Let's make a TEAM!!! on ps3

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:32 am

Hello out there fellow crysis junkiez I want to put together a team of players that are fun to play with and serious about objective play (that doesn't exclude team instant action the objective there is high k/d). Being a frequent player would be well appreciated.

I believe I am a pretty good player and I want to get a team going
(frequently used and favorite one liners "Go team" bit of an inside joke but still works everywhere I use it).

my current stats as of 5/24/2011:
LvL 40
K/D 1.9 (and climbing)
win/loss 2.8 (love me some wins, the ratio is great since I don't have friends or a team to roll with)

Warning!!! I live in the eastern time zone (EST) so be weary if you are far away the connection and time difference could cause troubles

Can't really remember much else that is usually all I look at but if anyone wants to know more just reply.
Also I am a very frequent player (although with exams coming that may change for a brief period).

If anyone thinks they wanna try and team up post a reply in the thread or send me a friend request
my tag is Ace_Loves.

I don't have much in mind for a team name, I don't think that it is necessary, but I usually run around with the clan tag [iLAG] because my connection can be sub par at times, but I make up for it with skill as my stats show (I also think it is hilarious and sort of a disclaimer). warning because of that sloppy internet I may get a little vocal sometimes but I never quit a match I like to think of that as perseverance but most would think it is stupidity.

Please anyone give it a thought and try I would like to do some sort of test period but that isn't for just player "skill" it is mostly team chemistry, how everyone gets along, and fits together in game. And if anyone is thinking I am just one of the many players that only camps around in cloak or anything like that I insure you I am not one.

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carly mcdonough
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:46 pm

I am looking for people to play with running solo is killing me. Also why the hell does no one use there mic in this game it makes me miss MAG. People not using mics is one of the main reasons I stay away from COD.
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Your Mum
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:36 pm

yo i totally agree, we should get together and play
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:46 pm

sweet hit me with a request and i will join you guys also for others who will be posting it would be a good idea if you pm'ed me your gamer tag so i could add you if you haven't added me yet
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louise tagg
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:41 pm

ya i trying to find competitive players.
I want to play with a group.
i know im good. I know stats of maps.
hit me up!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:03 pm

Like I said in your other post, I'm really interested in putting together a Crysis squad as well.

The tag I go by is [DoWG] which in itself stands for Dogs of War Gaming (http://DoWG.net). We have a ton of people that play Battlefield and Call of Duty games, but only 10 active that play Crysis 2, so if you want to party up and you're a mature, capable leader/person in general we can build the Crysis squad together.
I'm on Eastern Standard Time too (Atlanta, GA).

My PSN s/n is tastytrees so if any of you are interested in building a serious Crysis team for Dog of War Gaming or if you just want to game (I won't be changing my tag. I love my fellow DoWGs) hit me up! I'm down pretty much every night. I get home from work around 7PM EST.

See you in game!

Oh and thanks, Ace_Loves, for making this thread dude. It's hard to find regular guys (not screaming kids) who want to actually build a team and improve their game (you're right, it definitely is about chemistry). I don't get why Crysis isn't getting as much love from the PS3 community as games like Black Ops, but I think it's one hell of a game. Definitely one of the most interesting FPS'es I've ever played.
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josh evans
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:17 pm

Hey Aces_Loves be looking out for my friend request! I am a serious gamer 25yo an Army Vet and I hate playing with people that don't have mics! My objective is to win!
Add me also I'm writing your name on a sticky pad you I don't forget about it!
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:26 am

hopefully we are all seein eachother soon and pwnin some bichessss,

Iroc, add me yo

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:13 pm

yes indeed i am interested, mic usage makes all the diffrernce in team play
IGN: D-CyFer
i'm in the west coast if that makes any difference
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:04 pm

yes indeed i am interested, mic usage makes all the diffrernce in team play
IGN: D-CyFer
i'm in the west coast if that makes any difference

I added you Woo, Ace, And Cyfer!
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:21 am

yes indeed i am interested, mic usage makes all the diffrernce in team play
IGN: D-CyFer
i'm in the west coast if that makes any difference

I added you Woo, Ace, And Cyfer!
Add me too!

S/N: tastytrees
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