Need some advice.

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:29 pm

Okay as you can all tell I'm new to Crysis 2 but not to the FPS genre my KDR is decent for someone who is just starting out in this game around 1.50. But I would like some tips to get better right now I am using the Grendal and I have to say I love this weapon over the Scar but where I need help is with choosing my perks.

So if there is anyone willing to teach a Crysis noob the help would be appreciated.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:10 am

My favorites are the suppressed scarab, or feline with red-dot sights. My top modules are stealth enhance, mobility enhance and energy transfer.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:09 pm

My favorite weapon is the suppressed scarab with extended mag. The best modules combination for me is nano recharge, blind spot and retriever.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:30 pm

I use my Grendal silenced with shotgun attachment and the ay69 as my secondary, for explosive I use the Jaw. My module's are threat tracer, blind spot, and aim enhance.
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meg knight
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:36 pm

Thanks alot guys I will try the scarab in MP once I unlock it I'm only lvl 13 as of right now. I am using armor enhance, stealth enhance, and the aim perk.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:30 am

Come on 35 views and only 3 people are willing to help a new person understand the game. Wow!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:58 am

heres one that counts, im ranked 50 in the world in xp. this is your basic killing set up a little similar to a few.

weapons; scarab or feline/ extended mag, suppresser, red dot.

modules; stealth enhance/ retriever/ energy transfer/ {all lv 3 btw}

strategy: keep your eye on radar when max radar is off,red dots takes you to the battle, when trecking out in the open go stealth always, i get most time cloaked award almost every game. also be wary where your running cloaked, i cant tell you how many times i got capped from a stray bullet intended for the retard in armor mode lit up like a christmas tree strolling down the middle of the map. stay moving camping is for idiots or people who are suicidal, kill cams killed the the camper, and think god, right?

P.S. (kill cams killed the camper) just made that up and thats just good stuff. yeah i know its like tv killed the radio star. but i thought of it first so if i see that on someones t shirt ill sue your A S S. LoL. but seriously, i will.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:22 am

Thank you that is very helpful. I will take everything and try to apply it to the best of my abilities.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:46 am

Hey. Can somebody help me with weapon choice. I'm a lvl 10. Pleas reply I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:54 pm

For me I've been using the Scar but I also see alot of new players use the MK 60 LMG it's good at early level because you don't have to reload often.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:30 pm

Dont spray. Controlled your bursts. Do more damage.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:18 am

This guy's channel has good information and videos with commentary playing the multiplayer.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:20 pm

ARMOR: energy transfer or Nano recharge

STEALTH: stealth enhance is the best but have fun with this slot cloak tracker can be pretty useful but only at lvl 3 which is a pain

POWER: Mobility enhance and retriever are best but you can have fun with this one to

GUNS: main primaries in this game scar feline and scarab the rest are for having fun and are not quiet as effective overall (shotguns sometimes)

SECONDARIES: they all have their strengths and weaknesses but i suggest anything but the hammer

nova- use silencer and mash it at any range

hammer- silencer and mash it at close range probably should hip fire at its 2 foot effective range (thats my opinion)

ay69- low damage, extended mag never use it against someone in armor NEVER (punch them instead save you bullets, time, and your life)

majestic- this one makes me laugh one or two bullets hip fire closer range and punch them for a quick kill (need accuracy on this because of slow fire rate)

GENERAL TIPS & TRICKS: (warning only my personal discoveries)

-this one is obvious hit them in the face it hurts more (i kinda have trouble with this one)

-ALWAYS RELOAD WHEN CLOAKED (and after kills or during down time)

-DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE VISOR it exists and its good for the team hit up on the d-pad when not moving to pop up the visor and aim it at a enemy to tag them for yourself and entire team it prevents them from sneaking around in cloak and helps your team's enemy awareness

-this one should be obvious 2 never shoot, punch, or throw grenades while in cloak it drops your energy to zero

- when switching from cloak into armor don't shoot 2 quickly or you will have your energy drop to zero this happens because you are still transitioning out of cloak and therefore the game still thinks you are in it

-when in a gun fight and possible enemies have seen you kill one of their allies don't immediately switch to cloak if they catch you with spray it will hurt more and drop your energy 2 zero stopping you from armoring up or running away. (you can switch if you are sliding or super jumping to cover)

-grenades will still kill you even when in armor if they are at your feet

- if you have a mic call-outs are appreciated

-sliding (crouching while sprinting) is like drop-shot pro use it it will often fair better then a super jump that will make you very visible obvious and vulnerable.

-don't engage more than one enemy by yourself unless you can pick them off one by one unnoticed (or if your a tank beastie beast) rather go cloak and tag them for your team

-hip firing is generally useless avoid it unless point blank (even then it may be bad)

-staying on the move makes you a very hard target to hit but be weary of people who have spotted you and are no hunting you, turn the tables go around a corner find some cover and go cloak set up a trap tee hee!

-experience and self discovery makes a good player (thats what i have been told)

- if you find a sniper hiding at the back go cloak and assassinate them humiliating camping players is crucial

-use guns and modules that suit your most effective play style not your desired play style

-ignore what i just said if you want to have more fun and improve your game in other facets

-threat tracer is a waste of a module don't use it

-nano recharge levels as you use other armor modules to

-punchin can be very effective don't forget it is there

-a headset can always prove useful and overall make things sound better

-your not 100% invisible when in cloak be weary of plain and uncluttered areas you will be easily visible when cloaked depending on enemy perspective and awareness

-going 300 and Leonidas kicking cars (because this is Sparta) can be very useful and extremely effective (cutting of entry roots during objective game-play and killing people)

-you have grenades when you know where a camper or group of enemies are throw one and soften them up

-mounted guns are very powerful but make you very slow so they are best used when travelling with team members

-never snipe from obvious and predictable spots (at least don't stay there long out of cloak)

-if your connection and internet speed svcks don't expect sandy ravage like game-play.

-if you have more tips add them

-if you are not going to be on the crash-site at least prevent the enemy from getting to it (if sniping tag them with the visor first)

-being mobile and ready is many times better than being slow and always in cloak

-silencers more often than not WORK and well

-don't trust the radar there could always be a kid with blind spot on or spawning near the team

-power stomp is hilarious fun and extremely ineffective (the higher you stomp from the more damage it does)

-don't be hateful or disrespectful to other players

-please contribute to this list so everyone can profit from it.

Ace_Loves~ "go team"
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:42 pm

One tip, from a dude who went from KD 1.5 average to 2.5 minimum in one day.

Dont be afraid to play with the classes. Try different gameplay styles. Assault is consistent, though - its not that fun
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:06 am

-don't be hateful or disrespectful to other players
I want to reiterate this one. Nothing kills a gaming experience faster than gaming with a jerk or bigot. Had it happen last night in fact.
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