» Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:58 am
heres one that counts, im ranked 50 in the world in xp. this is your basic killing set up a little similar to a few.
weapons; scarab or feline/ extended mag, suppresser, red dot.
modules; stealth enhance/ retriever/ energy transfer/ {all lv 3 btw}
strategy: keep your eye on radar when max radar is off,red dots takes you to the battle, when trecking out in the open go stealth always, i get most time cloaked award almost every game. also be wary where your running cloaked, i cant tell you how many times i got capped from a stray bullet intended for the retard in armor mode lit up like a christmas tree strolling down the middle of the map. stay moving camping is for idiots or people who are suicidal, kill cams killed the the camper, and think god, right?
P.S. (kill cams killed the camper) just made that up and thats just good stuff. yeah i know its like tv killed the radio star. but i thought of it first so if i see that on someones t shirt ill sue your A S S. LoL. but seriously, i will.