» Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:31 pm
They said they were going to take the PS3 to its limit in an article. They never said anything like that for xbox so my assumption is that the PS3 version will be better than the xbox.
Plus, didn't the first Crysis depend a lot on the CPU? Cus while xbox has a better gpu, PS3 has a way better cpu.
It depended more one how much of an insane budget you had than anything lol.
C1 is still damn hard to run.
Anyway, after about 2 cores, it really comes down to clock speed and GPU rather than CPU. The jump from single core to dual core is massive, and dual to quad there IS a jump, although small. However, once you move to a dual core it becomes more of a quest to get a massive GPU, which in turn stresses the CPU (as the CPU needs to feed data to the GPU).
If the GPU wasnt so CPU bound then it would be almost entirely a quest for the ultimate GPU, however, as it is, its really about finding a good balance... and a massive GPU. Right now that basically ends up being an i7 (8 cores) and a top-end GPU, but really about 80% of the i7 (80% of the i7 actually doing anything, so really about 20% of the total CPU power) is being used to feed the GPU, rather than actually do game calculations.
Should be interesting between the two platforms. IF the current Crysis logic applies the platforms should be VERY similar (Xbox being bottle necked by the CPU, PS3 by the GPU). However we have no idea what kind of hardware support the engine has, so basically anything goes.
We DO know that CE3 supports up to 8 cores, but that really doesnt tell us how GPU dependent the game is. However, being a Crytek game, my guess is "very dependent".