Okay, I'm bumping this, because it's even more severe of a problem now.
Not only do I still get random switches to my pistol (or secondary weapon, whether it be a SCAR, machine pistol -- anything), the game also constantly messes up when switching to pistol after I unload a clip in my first gun.
For example, I will go through a magazine of my SCAR, and want to quickly switch to my pistol. Instead, what will happen is, the animation kicks in to switch to pistol, then jerks back to me reloading my gun. Then if I hit triangle again I MAYBE will be able to get to my pistol. But by that time, I'm already dead.
This is a FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE. Is anyone **** reading this? I need a pistol, and I need to be able to rely on switching to it. I know many, many other people rely on their pistol as much as I do. How can you possibly have a competitive multiplayer first person shooter when a fundamental part of it doesn't work? This game will never be played at a high level if this isn't fixed.
I'm trying so damn hard to love this game, but it just keeps getting me killed.
I also experience random crouching, jumping, switch to invisibility, and switch to grenade. It's not my controller, I've used 2 different ones. It's not just me, either, because my friend experiences the same problems. So what's going on?