Crysis 2 stats all reset?????????

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:52 am

so pretty much the title describes the problem, booted up my C2 and randomly crashed my ps3 after selecting MP mode then i started it up went good didnt notice anything till i played my 3rd game where it gave me xp for getting kills with reflex site which had already been fully maxed out, i still have all my dog tags, xp, attachements and guns and such but playtime, kills, losses, skill kills and all those things like frag gernade kills and such all been reset to zero, wtf is up with that, i thought it maybe was reset for double xp weekend but i dont see anyone else with that problem rofl.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:50 pm

I know on other games the mods do this for cheating (i'm not saying you are) - don't know how you would report someone on this though. I thought the data was held on the server, but maybe you damagaed your disk. Why not scan it for errors?
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:04 pm

Well its on console, ps3 so dont know how id be able to so a ScanDSK for crc errors, but also didnt cheat for sure, dont even know how i would with ps3 =p haha but i read after some googling that other people have said the same thing but with playing private matches, it could be that cuase they said that after playing private matches with friends and one of them left suddenly during midgame that the game would end and everyone left in the game would get their assesments and all reset for some reason, glitch probably, and im thinking thats what happened cause a friend of mine a few days ago bought C2 and we tried getting a game me join him or vice versa and it kept disconnecting like 6 times before i managed to get a game going and that ended and both quit, exited C2 and then i ran it again yesterday and noticed that after the 3rd game like i said =p svcks too cause i had a bunch of assessments, most are recoverable pretty quick but some took forever. thanks for the suggestion though =)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:17 am

this just happened to me too. i was ranked 20 for kills and was going for assessments and now there gone. i here not to join private games cause thats how it happens and also people are doing this glitch to others on purpose. its kind of horrible crytek is letting this happen to us.
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