» Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:19 pm
Honestly, if I wasn't playing on a 1 bar ever single game and didn't have a 3+ second delay, I would be doing incredible and have a K/D around 5+..... but now I am stuck at a 3.11 K/D and a 2.54 W/L playing TIA. The connection is just terrible, I cannot stand to play this game, and I am not going to until the issues are fixed.
(Plus the fact that the tools that use either the feline or SCARAB silenced and run around cloaked 24/7 are just annoying and need to man up. Good thing they all pretty much svck anyway, (why else would they need to play like this lol))
you realize the "tools" running around cloaked are the easiest kills if you just shoot them in cloak.. if you can't see them that's not there problem. If you took cloak out of this game it would just be another **** CoD-like game -_-
It would be easier to see them if nano vision actually worked.