Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:32 pm

First things first.When Crysis 2 was announced,my expectations were sky high."This game is going to be so awesome!" I said to myself. Every time I saw a trailer like "Be The Weapon" or the E3 one,my expectations for the game grew more and more.When Alcatraz was fighting CryNet Ops or Aliens,I thought "I′ll be doing that someday". I couldn′t wait for the release.
Months passed and one day I heard that a multiplayer beta was going to be released. I inmediately looked for the trailer on the Internet. When I found it, I thought it was spectacular. I felt bad I didn′t own an XBOX 360, and it was strange that CryTek only released it on XBOX,but i knew they must have had a good reason. I never doubted them, not for a moment.
But, I needed to see some gameplay! It took me a while but I found some, I wish I hadn′t, the results were more than dissapointing. I wasn′t mad because it was only 6v6 team deathmatch, in fact, I expected that. I mean, team deathmatch is all shooter′s standard multiplayer mode, I wasn′t expecting Power Struggle in a beta! The reasons I was mad were the multiplayer "style" and the maps.
The style was too similar to MW2(don′t misunderstand me, I like MW2). Some of this things like Ranks and Leveling up aren′t bad at all, with good matchmaking system this info can be used to make a balanced game with players of similar levels.
Killstreaks and Killstreaks Rewards are not good additions in my opinion. Besides of being obviously inspired(to put it mildly) in MW(mostly the Air Strikes), these features should not be used in Team Matches beacause the only things they do is disrupt the teamwork(That is supposed to be used in Team Deathmatches). Because if there′s no teamwork it is just like a Deathmatch where you don′t shoot some people. The way that this disrupts the teamwork is that all the players want their killstreaks, so, it′s like,"I′ll go all by myself because if I don′t, maybe my teammate gets the killstreak and I don′t"(trust me, I played MW2 and it′s like this.)However, if you play without kill streaks, if you kill someone with a teammate it doesn′t matter who got the kill, your team got the kill. And Killstreak rewards only makes the struggle even more ferocious. Other thing I didn′t like of the killstreak system was the dogtags, this really put the snipers(these players aren′t campers) into trouble(they are supposed to have their positions conceiled).
"Suit Modules" is just a pretty name for perks!

Although most of these things aren′t necessarily bad, they are too similar to other shooters, so this gives me no good reason to buy this game for its multiplayer, Why should I buy a game that I already own?

About the maps, I found them too small. These map would be very suitable for other shooters, but not for Crysis! How could I make full use of the NanoSuit′s power if there is no room to use it? Unfortunately, the answer came to me as I continued to watch the gameplay, the NanoSuit wasn′t what I was expecting.

The Armor Mode. It now drains energy,always. So it isn′t the passive mode anymore(that′s good because when armor was passive, it only saved my life like 300 times),and the best part is that you actually don′t lose energy when shot, so you don′t actually know when it stopped protecting you(have fun guessing!)
My expectations for this mode were it being like Crysis 1 armor mode. The improvements were better resistance and maybe other functions like diverting all the power to the front or something like that.

The Power Mode. It is a failed mixture of speed and strength mode. You lose energy when you sprint but you actually run like Crysis normal sprint(maybe a bit faster, but nothing special). All your punches are strength punches (so say goodbye to boxing!). The strenght jumps aren′t that bad. The best part of all is that this is the passive mode now
(so say bye-bye to "That was close! The armor mode saved my butt!").The recoil is not reduced in this mode,by the way. A thing I like of this mode is the slide(That′s cool!).
My expectations for this mode were it not being passive, that you could actually run a lot faster, have speed-strength punches(and maybe you could somehow only use one of them, like super fast punches, or super strong punches) For example, there is a huge truck that you want to move, but you can′t do it with your normal Power Mode punches, so you press a button to change between the three and choose super strength mode and you kick some butt!

The Cloak Mode. As far as I′ve seen this mode is pretty much the same except that it actually looses energy at the same speed no matter if you are running or standing(this is good to stop campers,but I hope it isn′t like this in the campaign,there are some moments when you really need that extra time).

The Tactical Mode. I don′t really know much about this mode,and I haven′t really seen anyone using it,so I won′t say anything.

My conclusion is that this suit is far too automatic. You actually can′t play your style! In Crysis(that I′ve beaten 8 times in low/med graphics by the way) I would go speed punch everyone in one game, the next game I would go strength punch everyone, etc. In this game, or you strength punch, or you don′t punch at all!

Please CryTek, don′t throw away what made Crysis so great! Don′t throw away the sandbox gameplay! Don′t throw away Power Struggle! DON′T THROW AWAY CRYSIS.Because if you do, the only reason why I am going to buy this game is because I want to see what happens in the campaign,what happens to Nomad(don′t show his face please!),to Psycho and to Prophet. I could easily go and buy an illegal copy for 5 bucks, but I won′t, because I know you didn′t mean to spoil the game, I know you only want the best for us. So please, correct this mistakes. I′m not telling you to do exactly what I tell you, but to correct the mistakes that everybody is worried about. I don′t care if you need to move the release date, I prefer that it being released in 2096 than it being released as a bad game!


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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:15 am

2 months away from release and you honestly think you can change a whole game just like that?

and a word of advice, I dont recomend posting that you might pirate the game, just sayin bro
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kat no x
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:23 am

That′s why at the end I wrote that I didn′t care if they had to move the release date( I know it′s never gonna happen,tough). And I don′t pirate video games, it is just a form of saying " I could stop caring about Crytek"
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jadie kell
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:00 pm

Please look for other threads like this. There are too many beeing posted, and then beeing closed by Cry-Adam, who I think seems to be pissed, that you don't read his topic about doublicating threads... At least I would be...
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:30 pm

Lol, get used to it. And personally, us old C1 players don't care if Adam is pissed. Were pissed.
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