» Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:49 pm
my friend uses STEALTH ENHANCE with MOBILITY and ENERGY TRANSFER and swears by it. I watched a game where he was cloaked and switched to max armor all match and only had to restore his energy a few times. I will try it when I can get a few more unlocks to do so myself and let you know what I think.
I swear by it too. It's the ****. I rebooted so my stats got reset and now I'm 28 rockin' a 2.14 kd and 4.5 wl ratio. The only thing I change sometimes is mobility and retriever back and forth.
That was my thought, too. Honestly I value mobility over killstreaks in this game. The killstreaks are great (in some cases... some are situational or depend on game mode like Nanosuit Jammer), yes, but I find more fun in the game by just tearing ass across the maps.