The following problem occurs:
During startup, (crytek-eye, EA-Logo, cryengine3, nvidia) i get a black screen and the green cursor stays. First the animation stops, then nothing can be done. No Ctrl-Alt-Del, not AltF4, no desktop. Funny thing is: I was already able to play Crysis 2 two times and it wqas running smoothly without any problems.............out of like 30 trys to start it. Unfortunately I cant find anything on the internet concerning this problem, exept for Crysis 1, many people had the same problem there, but nothing helps.......
Does anyone have a clue what could cause this problem?
What i did so far:
all drivers are the latest
directx updated
windows updated
Crysis 2 deinstalled and reinstalled
my system:
Windows 7 64bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @2.67GHz 2.66 GHz
Radeon HD 6850
Thanks a lot in advance for any helpful ideas!