Logan "sigh" stop babbling about, you want crysis 1 multiplayer right? It wasn't succesful, crytek needs crysis 2 to be succesful so they can continue making good games, get their name more well known and be able to make a crysis 3. Now really I like crysis 1 for the singleplayer and I suspect I'll like crysis 2 singleplayer as well judging by all the previews I've read and watched.
The only console I own is a PS2 which I haven't used in 2 years (so I doubt you can call me a console fanboy) and I dislike crysis 1s multiplayer not because I am bad (I am averagley mediocre) but because I don't find it fun. Crytek must see that crysis 1 multiplayer was unsuccesful and instead of going with a multiplayer that has a player group of about 40 went with the kind of fast paced multiplayer that has a player group of millions. It's still crysis hence everything revolving around the nanosuit 2, planning if you want to get really high on the scoreboard and traversing the enviroment, It's just making it casual so halo, cod, bad company players will be able to play and understand whats going on while the hardcoe gamers can still destroy everyone

I don't know if you realise your flaming "Maybe you console guys think its great, and good for you" "Off doing something better than playing a worthless game." "Actually, your the new comers here, console kiddie." "maybe they should just rename gamesas to MyConsole.com.
It would fit the board more." "To many noobs, console kiddies, and fanboys who don't know how to debate, and mindlessly back Crytek no matter what" but could you please refrain from calling everyone a console kiddie or fanboy when you dont even know enough about them to judge. I'm not saying everything crytek is doing is great or anything but I dont think anyone wants to hear you whine about a game it sounds like your not even going to play.
Plus if you want to play a "real military simulator" why play crysis in the first place?