The only "major" thing that was missing in the game imo was more "epic" monsters (Bigger, harder, unic, rare, cool and that needed strategic moves to take down) AND one more thing. A multiplayer function.
And no, I'm not talking about a mmo/online function. I'm talking about, maybe a maximum of 5 players on LAN function.
Thats what i feel was missing in Oblivion for it to be the absolute perfect game. And now with Skyrim, it seems like there is deffinatly gonna be more "Epic" monsters/creatures. So only one thing remains

PLEASE, make it so that I can sit on a LAN with maybe 2 friends. The three friends. the Mage, Warrior and the Ranger. Together slaying a dragon, or fighting crimes or maybe even commiting them.
Man its really my dream, to fight an actually flying dragon with the perfect combat style (without target crap wow/rift/gw style) of Elder scrolls.
And yes, i know that it would be alot of work to make quests, story and interface stuff work with a multiplayer function. And if thats not an option, Fine. Then i'm perfectly happy if i'm just able to run around
in the wonderful enviroment of skyrim with a friend or two, fighting a few monsters or exploring a dungeon.
Thank you Bethesda for listening. I hope you respond. Have a great summer and keep up the great work.
/Grahn <3