The landmass of my mod dissappears. Every time I enter the generated cells, the landmass/ land mesh dissappears, except for a few cells. I'm falling into the water and I see floating trees.
The CS shows all and doesn't give problems, except a few warnings: Trying to get exterior cell for invalid cell coordinate. Values must be between -32768 and 32767.
Could not find cell (0, -524288) in world 'Wilderness' (0102F84E) to add reference 'TreeWhitePineYoung' (0102F84F) to.
Reference attached to wrong cell for its location:
REFR Form '' (0102F84F) to TREE form 'TreeWhitePineYoung' (00000B7E) in WorldSpace '...' (01000ED3)
Can anybody help me?