» Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:45 am
1. I'm not going to promote it. Period. I won't say anything bad about it, if I don't like it. If I do like it, I'll say so in nice general fanboy-ish terms (because, you know, I am a fanboy, too), but leave it at that. Yes, I am playing FO3. Not enough hours yet into it to make a final determination.
Let me be clear: I don't say crud about other companies games (I will say crud about games I worked on that are deserving of crud. MAX2, I'm looking at you.) I will happily celebrate good games (as we all should). Bioshock and Portal are both excellent games, and I will climb the mountains to say so. Excellence should be noted. At the same time, FO3 is not our game and it's not our job to promote it.
2. I really, really don't want talk about FO3 here. This is not the appropriate forum. I'm going to lock this thread and I'll delete any others.