Well I've played quite a few games recently, and It's been pretty expensive(Games in Australia cost a lot

Ok first off,
Far Cry 2(Pre ordered it)(PS3) - Ok first off, I never got around to playing Far Cry 1 before but I didn't think it really matted.
The First cut screen was great, I like the open world feel and I loved the graphics. I got the feeling that Far Cry 2 was going to be a really "epic" game, but that all changed once the cut scene was over, as soon as I got to start playing I didn't really like the movements from the POV camera but I wasn't to worried about that, but to save time I'm just gonna cut the the chase about the game.
It was too big, things were set too far out example being, The Main mission on one side of the map and the buddy mission on the other, which is really annoying when you have leave soon lol and I probably won't play the story mode again which doesn't sound good for the repeatability., the best bit of the game has to be the map editor though, I haven't really used them before but this one was easy to use, useful and just plain and simple good. My final thoughts on the game, It's more or less a game that you either rent or play it at a friends house, Oh and one more thing about this game
THERE IS NO CUSTOM SOUND TRACKS FOR THE PS3!!!!!! RAWR!!!!(That's a bad thing...)
Saints Row 2 (Pre ordered it)(PS3) - I only played saints Row one for a small amount of time(An hour, if that) but I herd from a few people that this was a must have for any GTA:SA fan(like who isn't?), so I picked up a copy of it the other day. First thoughts about the game are, the graphics don't really look that good but the game play might make up for it. an hour later, I kinda like it, the best thing so far is the ability to throw people around and pepper spray lol. A day later, ok I've had a nuff', the game play is pretty good but the game feels a little buggy and the game play doesn't really make up for the graphics and buggyness. So I kinda didn't like it that much, I mean the character customization is great and all but it's still no gta game, it still has some work to be done.
THERE IS NO CUSTOM SOUND TRACKS FOR THE PS3!!!!!! RAWR!!!!(That's a really bad thing for this game...)
Smack Down Vs Raw(Brother pre ordered it) (PS3) - I played 08 for about a week when it came out and I didn't really like it that much, so this year when my brother got 09 I thought it would of been way better, but guess what? It still feels the same to me, I know they have added a heck of a lot(??) this year, but I still thing it could be better, the custom sound tracks(yay!) is a little buggy in entrances for the "superstars" that have a lot of things going on in the backgrounds and it sounds a little like what lag sounds like online when someone is speaking or playing music on a shitty connection(!!) lol, so again this year I didn't really like it.
Fallout 3 (PS3) - I haven't really finished fallout 3 yet as I've had a few things to do(and play(I got LBP on the same day : D)) but what I've got from it so far is that it's pretty good.
Little Big Planet (Pre ordered it) (PS3) - YAY! IT'S OUT OMFG YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY... ok that's the fan boy part out of the way, now for the rest, I haven't really played this as much as fallout 3 but so far I feel that it's pretty good(Haven't checked if there were custom sound tracks).
There are other games that I played but I won't talk about them as of yet. (
