Firstly, why does my character not talk? Usually this does not bother me, Half Life and Halo (for the most part) have silent protagonists but after playing through Crysis 1 and Warhead, I'm used to my character speaking and actually engaging with the story rather than just breezing through shooting things.
Oh and the story... From what I can gather, I was part of some special forces team sent in to extract some science boffin who works for some nanotech company that has its own PMC. Aleins are somehow invading yet the US army is nowhere to be seen and it seems to be isolated to the Manhattan Island (honestly wtf!?) The already mentioned PMC is fighting the aliens and hunting you down because they think you are Prophet and they want the suit you're wearing. I mean, when you're first introduced to the aliens (little scarab
beetle things killing random civilians) your character doesn't even question it. Also, what's up with the random civillians? There's no way in America, civillians would be left like that. Like I said, where the Hell is the US military!? It's like for some reaosn this entire event has been left to this PMC to deal with which just seems ridiculous...
It's not as the US miltary would not know what they were dealing with. They would have info on the Aliens in soem form or another due to the events of the first Crysis game. Even if they didn't, they would still be involved here. Also there is no way those outside Manhattan/New York and indeed the world would not know what is going on as the Aliens have flying ships. People would have noticed them.
All in all I'm just baffled as to why a PMC has FULL control of this situation. Oh and why have Prophet (the only real link to the last game) in this oen at all if he goes and kills himself after 30 secs of gameplay? Why bother with that cliffhanger of an ending in the first? I though (at the time) that Crysis 2 would pick up either with Prophet back on the alien infested Island or as part of a team (like in the first game) combating the alien invasion, equippied with the knowledge Prohet gained. It seems to me that another story was intented at the time and certain devs fought to have Prophet included in this.... Story for the Hell of it.
Bah /rant. Anyone else feel as if the story is lacking/confusing/odd?