IF there is ever a Descent 4, it should be true to its' roots...
- Trichording
A given!
- Controls:
Keyboard ONLY
Keyboard and Joystick
Keyboard and Mouse
- Single Player and Multiple Player Modes.
All single player levels including any add-on packs should be playable in cooperative mode.
One thing that I would like to see left out... Bullet Trains that are faster than supersonic jet fighters.
This ruined the beginning of the 4th level in Single Player in Descent 3 for me. The rest of the level was great!
- Descent 1 and 2:
This keycards and the exit to the mines added to the excitement.
Often I found myself locating the EXIT before attempting to blow up the mines' generator.
Mercury missile (although rare) was an excellent secondary weapon.
- Descent 3:
The prison level with the various keycards was very interesting.
I liked many of the puzzles in Descent 3 except for the lava one with the switch on the inside of one of the three lava pumps. Like the ones to turn off Enemy Ship Machens.
Fusion weapon was too powerful if charged... I never liked 1 hit kill primary weapons... 1 hit kill secondary weapons are fine.
Napalm primary gun was a joke... So I often would disable the Napalm gun but leave in the Napalm tanks! (Hehehe! Napalm Tanks without the Napalm Gun = unusable.)
I did the same on the Mass Driver (Mass driver ammo without a Mass Driver)... Hated getting hit by the Mass Driver weapon due to massive bounce when hit... Nothing like getting bounced off a wall and before you could get reoriented getting fragging bounced by the Mass Driver again! DOH!
The Black Shark Missile would have been fine IF one on all ships but sadly the Magnum in multiplayer with 5 Black Shark Missiles = NO Skill kills since one could fire one after the other and not even have to hit their target to get kills... Especially if one knew the general area where the enemy was located. (Steel Vapor for example on the upper or lower level.)