Hyperlaser 7-8 (lv 1 and lv2): Similar to superlaser level6 but bigger (lv 7) and fast (lv 8)
2 (projectile weapons cycle): Vulcan/Gauss/Vauss/Mass Driver -->
Rocket launcher: this can load twenty powerfull rockets: devastation!
Grenade Laucher: this cannon launch one projectile who embeed into enemyes and then, after three second... booom!

3 (elettromagnetic weapons cycle): Spreadfire/Helix/Emd/microwave -->
Tesla Cannon: lighning bolt cannon, similar to the wolfenstein 3d weapon.
4 (Hot weapons cycle): Plasma/Phoenix/Napalm -->
Blizzard Cannon: A cannon with a charge of liquid azote. With this you can freeze your enemies!
5 (Nuclear/particle weapons cycle): Fusion/Omega -->
Annihilator Cannon: A particle-accelerator-antimatter cannon who shot a positron beam... extremly powerfull and expansive!!!!
Fission Cannon: not powerful like fusion but more rapid.
6 (Rocket cycle): Concussion/Flash/Frag -->
Deadly Blade: A metal disk with deadly thoots who roll in front of yout ship for close combat... but if you relase the button you can launch the disk (this bounce to walls and the you can recuper it). Whit this you can cut your enemies in two pieces!
7 (homing missiles cycle): Homing/Guided --->
Phase missile: this "yellow bands" quantum-guided missile can pass through the walls in the the first 3 second of his travel.
8 (bombs cycle): Proximity/Smart mines/ Impact Mortar --->
Gravity Forge: this "small nuclear bomb" fall down and detonate in a tremedous explosion.
9(Special/easy to use missiles cycle): Smart/Mercury/Napalm --->
Blizzard missile: easy

10(powerfull/nuclear missiles): Mega/Earthshaker/Black Shark -->
Annihilator missile: An antimatter missile...... you can load ONLY ONE of this... but you can destroy an entire mine!!!!!!!
quad laser
esa laser: six cannons! °__° (Esa-hyperlaser lv2 is the hell!!!)
radar: easy

Afterburners lv1: the original afterburners
Afterburner lv2: fast and furious!!!! °___°
After burner cooler
Warp Core
Laser turrept: A turret who fire lv1 laser to the near enemy
Tower Shield: A metal shield you can open in front of ship (but you cant fire primary weapons).
Invincibility in D4 is switchable but is very energy expansive.
Invisibilityin D4 is switchable but is energy expansive.
Intangibility: U can travel into walls... missiles, and robots! in D4 is switchable but is energy expansive.
Spy bot: a small ultrarapid invisibility (switchable) bot. u can use to explore mines (like a small pyro with 1 laser lv 1 and flare with weapon)
Guide bot:
D3 Countermeasures and gunboy
infrared: for darkness

Energy-shield converter:
Shield-energy converter: LOL