Desent II was your first game that I'd played. I loved it, and I found some solace in being the only one in my family that could stomach the disorientation of 3D.
I loved Earthworm Jim. The music for Buttville still rocks, I'm still angry as hell at Peter Puppy, and Psycrow can go svck an asteroid.
I also had Clayfighter 64. It was silly, and once I figured out the combo-system, nobody wanted to play with me any more.

Desent: Freespace is still one of my all-time favorite simulator games. Even though the ship's velocity shouldn't decrease after it has accelerated, I can forgive it for such an awesome and engaging game.
Die By The Sword: anybody that hasn't played this game needs to. I still play this game just to go on a rampage and hack Orcs into itty-bitty gibblets. Even better is LANning up with friends, and doing a match of you three vs an extremely difficult kobolds!
And just this year, I came across The Fallout Collection. Those games were so great; I played each game back-to-back from January to May, sometimes playing until the early AM hours. My friends and I also had a blast with tactics. I hear there's something going on with an MMO? I've seen bits like IGG buying 2 Mil shares of gamesas, and having to start development within 2 years of April '07. I really hope this gets off the ground.
I've been around the Fallout 3 forums, and some of the people there are as frenzied as the people at NMA. I didn't even know about NMA until somebody at the Fallout 3 forums told me to "go back to NMA" How ridiculous is that? But I do think NMA has some good points.
In any case, when you do make the Fallout MMO, I hope you keep the feeling of Fallout. Being forced out into the unknown land where savagery is ever-present, you don't know who to trust, and there's no right or wrong. Do you sell your ammunition for some rope? Or do you mug the next merchant for your money? So on that note, unadvlterated PvP, and full body looting! It can be profitable to be a bandit, but you'd better be a damned-good/sneaky one or else you'll get lynched by a mob coming after you! Player-exacted justice should be the law of the land. Not only that but it'd make players act a lot more wisely and in a survivalistic manner. I also think it would be fitting if the GMs of the game were the Brotherhood of Steel. However unlike GMs in many MMOs, they should not be invincible. I think if they were powerful, but not not invincible, it would keep the atmosphere of the game in check while still allow them to drive story-elements within the world. I mean, the super-mutants were a threat to the Brotherhood right? There's always something dangerous out in the wasteland.
In any case: thank you for making so many games, thank you for so many great memories with games, and I really wish you the best in success. Of all the companies, you deserve it the most!
Edit: And you made Giants: Citizen Kabuto! Pop-up bombs were my absolute favorite thing. 1/3 of my PC games are made by you guys!
So...who would I have to kill to be a GM for F.O.O.L.?