Multiplayer is broken. Singleplayer is unplayable because of the bugs (most noticeably the nano catalyst bug that prevents me from enjoying the game).
I am now just sitting and waiting for steam to update my game, but I have NO indication of when/if that is going to happen. In my country, I have more than enough grounds to request a refund, but I was willing to give you another chance. Now it has been 4 days, with no proper fix for the players who buy your game.
Sigh. I remember before instant internet patch fixes, when developers actually had to put effort in to development and game testing, to make sure it's flawless before release. If it wasn't, it was nearly impossible to get people to update, because of lack of internet and slow connection speeds. Now, developers are just rushing the games, counting that they can sell a ton-load of games before anyone notices the huge flaws. But we DO notice. And we want it to be fixed... NOW