I know you want good spin offs but agreed there are few which I cant remember right now. It's funny though cause after reading the link you proved you see a fellow posting a comment stating,
"This would be so f***ing awesome. The kind of satirical humor and violence in Fallout really needs to be shared with the rest of the entertainment mediums."
I truly hope this guy was using some very strong sarcasm here because this isn't by any means going to be an gamesas television production
The other named company definitely lost it for the worst if they make it into Television. And further proving a weak company thriving on just a name from a certain series of works from someone else

The "Something wind : old people notes" game play is failing slowly and the other named company is too proud to move on to new innovations despite their greatly glorified mouths of stating otherwise because their minor update a graphics engine.

I told the Overseer of Vault 13 I'd give everything to save everyone, and so I did, I saved them all. Since then I've felt loneliness.