and i finally, thanks to a - for c2 - astonishing connection, i got to play the game as it is supposed to be played.. i guess.
i'm still a little bit shocked how fast the enemies died. one short burst from the scarab - dead. dead. dead. dead.
i was used to emptying up to a whole clip into an enemy until he died. when the killcam showed me i was killed with only a handfull of bullets, i thought it was the bugged killcam, but no - it really goes that fast.
i joined the first round of crash site mid-game, scored 7 kills, never died. in the second round i finally got the medal for 12 kills in a row without dying. everything worked. if i wanted to jump, my operator jumped, never missing a ledge. if i meleed, the enemy died, if i shot the enemy, he died. i saw the cloaked enemies clearly (now i'm certain there's something going on with that too, i abso-****-lutely do not see them that well usually. or, maybe, is it possible that the cloak slowly wears off? full energy = full cloak, less energy makes you more visible?).
it was simply breathtaking, to see how this could work. (no, not because of the k/d, but because it worked. i would've posted this too if my k/d would've been a fair 1.0)
sadly, it lasted only these two rounds. in the third, i had to use half a clip/enemy again. and, something new, the JAW wouldn't explode anymore. it passed right through one enemy and another time through the goddamn wall right behind him (where i had aimed for, because he was in cover).
this is so frustrating. and now that i've seen the light, for the blink of an eye, even more.