Never played the demo, but from what you are saying, I wish that they didn't tone it down. I love that guy's challenge. Descent 3.... redefined toned down for him.
The scariest moment of Descent was years ago with Descent 3's Dragon boss. The thing reminded me of a spider and I had a big phobia of spiders back then. I had the guide and it said that it had some kind of chain that it can shoot out steal your weapons or even grab on to your ship and pull you in. That didn't help matters either
. So I lured it under the main pit into which you enter his arena and used the architecture there for cover or for something to hold on to if he did have chains.
But, turns out that it is just a big wimp.
Further more, the guide lied that you can shoot a moarter into its... well.. ass, and that all that would be left is a crawling torso. The morter went in, and something else came out, and it wasn't silent. (I had to make that sound as disgusting as possible
The tip is a lie.
If you are going to fight a war, do it efficiently, unremittingly, or don't do it at all--I'm not into ethics, I'm into efficiency.--Benjamin St. John "Descent" by Peter Telep