Dogmeat/Companion System

Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:39 pm

I was wondering if you will be able to have Dogmeat as a companion (Like in Fallout 3) in which he follows you everywhere. Will there be any other companions (IE: Fawkes) that will help you fight? Thank you for your time.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:13 pm

I think that would be a bad idea, since it deters from partnering with real-life players, which is the purpose of any good MMO. I suppose it's fine if they have some kind of Necromancer-esque class using a weak ally, but we'll see.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:40 am

I completely disagree. Allowing a single AI ally to augment a player wouldn't detract from the utility of having a large group of human players backing you up, especially if the ally were limited in capabilities, as in they're a dog. Besides, the ruling archetype of MMOs is still Tank/Healer/DPS, and if you've got only one ally you won't be fulfilling all of these roles with just your lonesome.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:57 am

I like how it is in Guild wars where you can add npc's that help you out if you miss a healer you can just take a npc one with you. Usaly when I play a mmo and is going to make a group there is always lacking of Healers or Tanks but there is always penlty of DPS to go around.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:05 am

I'm with ReMeDy on that. We're talking about MMO here not the "gather your party" sp game.
Keep in mind making an "optional" gameplay feature is much harder than it sounds.
When there's a separate feature there's usually benefit from it.
Since everything is comparative, benefit is equal to disadvantage for those who decide not to use a feature.
As such either there is a compensation for those who decide not to use it or the feature is not exactly optional.

Most common solution to this is pet-based classes. Where you trade your strength for that of your personal allies. This allows those who want to travel alone to rival those who don't and vise-versa.

Don't expect a whole system dedicated to companions. I'd say that at most - it'll be a charisma-based system with weak companions (you get what you spend, and you only spend a fraction of an average player's potential). And the least case - It'll come out without any companion system.

Hard to say really, I doubt gamesas is preparing an average tank-healer-dd mmo with most common classes represented. A game as simple as yet another alteration on the theme of cookie-cuter-mmorpg isn't going to please the audience. Not from gamesas, not with Fallout brand, and pardon me, but, not after Fallout 3 which while (imho) was worthy of a brand of the level of fallout still wasn't the game that fallout fans expected to see as F3. And as such left a hunger unquenched, and we all know that hungry fans can gnarl you to the bone.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:42 am

I like this idea because it goes with the lore from the previous fallout's...i think its a good concept and could be cool if you wanted 2 play that type of style
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:25 pm

This idea is being implemented hard into the new Fallout: New Vegas game. It has a full companion system where you can manage their inventory/skills easily. Though I think it's a bit of stealing, FO:Online should really consider it. Though no one would want some player running around with an un-killable NPC with him/her.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:36 pm

Ok, think of it like this, you play a class that has a companion, then you get a companion... Are you a tank, a DPS, a healer...? Then No Companion for you! C'mon, it's simple. You don't get Dogmeat, you get A Dog, or perhaps an angry molerat if you're stupid. :roll: 麻痺ナット
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Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:31 pm

Ya, a player could find friendly dogs out in the world, then could train them. Or there could be a pet shop where you could get a dog to help with combat, a pack bramin to carry stuff you don't have room for, or maybe a bird to tell if there are enemies near by. There could be more classed of pets that cost more money to a class that isn't made for a pet. (Like a class that was made for a pet gets one free at the beginning of the game, and a class that wasn't made for pets had to pay like 1000 caps for a pet.)
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:50 pm

How about having a training skill... So you can train whatever animal you find along the way based on skill. For example if you are just starting out on training skill you may be lucky if you can train a bird to fallow you and with a slightly higher train skill you can have the bird attack or scout ahead but with a high skill you can train packs of dogs that can fallow multiple mildly complex commands like trip, attack: closest, strongest, weakest and the longer you have the animal without it dieing the more commands it learns and also as a bonus can learn special attacks.
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Post » Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:51 pm

bird that's how Guild Wars does it pretty much. If you choose "Ranger" as a Primary/Secondary class, you gain a "Tame Animal" spell that can be used on wild animals, i.e: Lynx, Tiger, Boar, Moa Bird. I myself have a level 20 Boar :)

It works well, and as rangers are usually a low-hp high-damage range class, the pet works well to distract enemies away from you - the line is, how powerful is the pet. That's where the work needs to be done. Goooooooood Morning Vietnaaamm!
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Leticia Hernandez
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