Actually I can almost guarantee that gamesas has at least gave it thought or its on the list of things to think about at some point. The only bad thing about the Playstation Network is that its costly to get started. The company has to buy Sony's SDK in order to program on the Playstation 3 and this includes ports. The SDK last I looked (which was quite some time ago) was at $10,250. Might not be much for some but for others it can become costly quick if you cant get games to pay for itself plus the cost of the SDK. Then you have license cost to be on the PSN (Playstation Network).
To beat it all though SONY top down is the sole company to say "yay or nay" to any game developed/ported for the network and this includes lengthy restrictions and forced additions (networked multiplayer) which can start to rack up cost quick. Also the developing platform is a completely different beast from the previous systems. Regardless if there is a "backward compatibility" mode that us consumers see, the developer has to still program within the Playstation 3's playground. Again this can become costly with trail and error.
Is Sony's Playstation Network a bad idea? Not exactly. If you got a game that will not only pay for the time in que to release but pay for the SDK and labor then its worth it. I think SONY too is being pressured quite a bit in relieving some of these restrictions on the PSN for developers. I could be wrong but though a Playstation fan as I am, there is a reason Microsoft is stealing the show for cheaper.
I told the Overseer of Vault 13 I'd give everything to save everyone, and so I did, I saved them all. Since then I've felt loneliness.