» Tue May 12, 2009 10:26 am
Well, here are some basic thoughts...
Other so called MMORPGs are seriously lacking of the spirit and inside the what should be criteria to call those rpgs, expect few ultima online servers... In almost every MMORPGs your character is always the "hero"
-When making the character player should be able to pick multiple traits for the character(Advantages/ Disadvantages
-People can become (almost) what ever player wants(they should be offered wide variety of choices. These can be made professions or just perks/traits and the title of it you can add to your name(It is like profession/reputation what you want others to know about.
*Perk examples: Card shark(3000 hands played or gambling 70); Mechanic(repaired 50 items/automobiles/objects+ repairing 50); Arms dealer(sold 50 weapons); Ugly: Charisma is 3-.
So people can achieve perks not just leveling up and spending points on skills but through deeds also.
Profession examples: Tailor- Can design and make variety apparels etc;
Leather worker- as the name says can make things with leather, apparel, armors, bags etc; Scholar(Well, everyone can be a writer just need to get some paper and pens)- player should be able to write your own books no matter how long, make copys of them and sell those to other players. Also scholar knows how to make paper. Atleast there should be pens and paper/books for players where to write to..
Well, there can be hundreds of professions but how to make them fit to in game, that is the problem.
-Others might disagree with me, but loose the XP system or change it radically. Well, killing other people/mutated monsters shouldn't be the only way to get xp. Well, there should be some xp milestones in different set of skills (like all firearms are one set- After shooting enough people no matter what gun player gets level up and gets some skill points what you can use to raise your small guns, medium guns, big guns, energy weapons, bow weapons etc.) Throwing knifes/grenades is one set- Can improve the skill lenght+accuracy by simply throwing stones, basketball etc.
- NO AUCTION HOUSES- I think that will just ruing the game in long run. Players who like to be merchants should be offered to be those, Examples: people can buy/rent market places where they can themself or put their vendor to sell their products.( I think good idea would be to make market places to different towns where people can rent tables and put their junk/items/drugs/products/etc on sale.
- I would like to see that everyone are about average people, they die as easily than the others. Well, when you get well aimed bullet in your head it is great chance you will die. The weapon skill should not raise the damage(what we can see in F3) but the ACCURACY! Well, if your character has small guns skill 0 and shoots with pistol, the bullet should go very randomly. With sg 0 cross hair should be very very wide and the opposite when the skill is 100+.
-Some sort of "minigames" what you can play with other players, like poker(other card games), dices, chess, pool, football etc.( Things you can carry in your inventory and play with others anywhere you want or play them in pubs, casinos etc. While playing the games player should be aware the outside world, they can see whats happening around them if the want- not blinded by the minigame) It would be great to sit hours in casino and playing holdem with others.
*Tournaments: Weekly fighting -, poker -, shooting tournaments, etc.
There you go
I hope that this will be different...