Fatal Flaw

Post » Mon May 25, 2009 7:13 pm

Sacrifice is an interesting game, but I'm looking for
a cheat / mod that will allow:

1. The action is too fast to enjoy it. I want to be able to
pause the game, scroll around the map, issue orders, then
when the game is resumed, all the orders are executed.

Or, I'd like there to be a scale, to slow down or speed up
time as the player wishes.

The game "Original War" had both of these things, so I
know that it's not impossible.

2. Point of view is very awkward in this game, I need a mod
that will allow me to zoom out enough to be able to actually
see what's going on, and especially to change the angle of
the zoom.

3. I don't like having to use the minimap to teleport to
places, that's too slow and cumbersome. How can I configure
a hotkey to instantly leap me to places?

In "Sacrafice" the cool unit types are wasted.....they move
so fast, you can't tell what they are, much less react to them
in a timely and effective manner. Makes me wonder how long
this was playtested. We're not all "twitch" gamers.
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Gen Daley
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