Well, yea. There could be the option that everyone can do any profession but they have great limitations. This in particular I think FUonline (no i didn't misspell but its a pun) 2238 handles somewhat good.
The game have different professions (big guns, small guns, armorer etc etc) and all those lets you craft different stuff. You start off with basic crafting, the stuff you can craft is mostly shit but usable in many areas.
Then if you have X amount of caps and the right skill points (like armorer 1 requires 60% repair) you can buy the armorer profession from a certain NPC, now you will be able to create some other armors apart from the basic leather armor. If you further develop skills you can get armorer 2 and 3.
FUonline 2238 only lets you spend 4 (i think) professions points so you cant waste them really.
What could be altered for gamesass Fonline is the skill requirement and the amount of profession points, like make the player have 5 points, the first profession you master will be static and the 2 points left over can be shifted.
EXAMPLE: You get big guns professions 1,2,3 - now these will be static, meaning they will always be there no matter what, but you still have 2 points to set on another profession, like armorer 1 and small guns 1. The 2 latter points can be reset and you can get another profession, but you can never be a master crafter on 2 areas, sure its a bit prohibiting but you can still craft many things.
(the upgraded professions means of course that you will be able to craft better stuff