Wasteland Survival...

Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:29 pm

Drakelius walks in and sits down with the men.

"Behemoth's? I've heard rumours of them."
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:48 pm

"Yeh. Giant beast, very hideous. But talking deathclaws... boy was that a experience!" Richard chuckles, drinking some more of the vodka.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:08 am

( Mr.Boom, JOIN PHOENIX POWERS. I can't stay in this rp, i'm dropping it, it's one of the lower quality ones, and less fun, i need time for the other ones. I dunno, just power rp me, kill me, and take all my stuff? )
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:11 pm

Name: Wendigo Basinger

Where you're starting at: Sat-Com Array NN-03d

Appearence: Wears Merc Troublemaker armor and has a Terrorsaur style hairstyle cut into his brown hair. His posture is rather hunched, and he doesn't have the sanest of looks on his face.

Age: 27

Weapons: A rolling pin

Personality: Not particularly sane.

What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With: Evil

Three Basic Skills I Am Great With: Melee, Small Guns, and Medicine

Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With: Sneak, Explosives, Repair

Anything Else: Not...Not particularly sane.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:42 pm

(( I kinda agree with that.))

"Oh and by the way." Richard says, smirking, "I posioned both of our drinks!" he collapses, and dies, alone with the person he was speaking to. ((Funny way to die :D))
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:24 am

Where your starting at:A abandoned house near rivet city
Appearence:goatee, dark hair, bushy eyebrows
Weapons:brass knuckles, hunting rifle 6 rounds
Personality:kind, lazy
What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With:neutral
Three Basic Skills I Am Great With:lockpicking, sneak, unarmed
Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With:medical, melee
p.s.can steve be my companion

Bob was just finishing the last gulp of his freshly brewed whiskey while his pet dog and best friend finished mauling on the raider sneaking up on them both while he was brewing the whiskey. Good boy " said Bob steve just replied in a triumphint bark. I wonder what a raider is doing so far away from home " said Bob. Just then a hunting party of raiders came rushing in on both of them. pulling on his brass knuckles and getting out his rusty hunting rifle bob rushed into battle whyle steve whent into the back of the house and gave out another bark. Bob just relizing what steve whent to go get instead decided to just run back to the homestead. Oddly confused all the raiders just stopped were they were with confused looks on thier faces. One raider asked another raider what just happe----- booom! suddenly several mines sounds whent off at once and blew up almost 1 half of the group of raiders. frustrated the surviving raiders kept running at the house. Then they relized where were there guns. out of all the eruption of the mines somebody took thier guns. So still confused the whole group pulled out thier melee weapons some unarmed and raned at the house. With fist at the ready Bob grabs some booze off his table and starts chugging it down gulp after gulp. Now growling at his lazy owner Steve bites bobs arm. Ow! yelled Bob hold on a minute im almost finished crazy dog. Still growling steve rushes into battle claws and teeth at the ready.i guess ill finish it later sighed bob reading his fist. Steve just starting mauling an unarmed raider with his sharp teeth. While Bob was grabbing another raiders baseball bat from their hands and smacking them with it. Steve then stopped mauling the dead corpse of the raider and began chewing another unarmed raider this time with claws. Bob again was teaching the other armed raiders respect with his knuckles and newly accquiered baseball bat. When the remaining 3 raiders ran away dropping thier bats, lead pipes, and knives. all running from thier humiliating defeat by the strange man and his dog steve. with remaining raiders gone Bob relieves a long sigh while steve growls again at bob. Okay okay im going to clean them up sighed Bob.
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:22 pm

BenzSmoke's Profile:

Name: Hamilton "Ham" Hughes
Where your starting at: Oasis
Appearence: African American with short brown hair wearing standard treeminder clothes.
Age: 25
Weapons: Assault Rifle (poor condition)
Personality: Bit of a Joker (how do you think he got his nickname?), impachint.
What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With: Good
Three Basic Skills I Am Great With: Small Guns, Sneak, Lockpick
Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With: Medicine, Repair
Skills I Am Horrible With: Science
Backstory: Ham had long ago lived in a vault but one day he decided that life in the vault simply wasn't for him so he escaped. During his travels he did many great things for the wasteland and was seen as a hero to many people. Unfortunatly some folks didn't take kindly to his heroic lifestyle so they attempted to kill him. After Ham killed the first hitsquad he thought he was done, but they just kept coming. Soon he was fed up with the constant attacks and retired to a life in Oasis. Eventually the hitsquads stoped looking for him. But lately he's grown bored with his life of tree-hugging...

All Previous People That Joined May Play, I Ask That All People That Quit REMOVE their posts from the Thread.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:39 pm

Hamilton Hughes awoke in the green morning light of Oasis. He sat up in his bed of leaves and took a big gulp of clean Oasis air, it sickened him. Day after day it was the same thing, getting up and praising the tree god. Gaurding the gate. Harvesting fruit from the various trees. It was so boring that he thought he would simply fade away! He was absolutally sick of it! Ham was sitting thinking of his many adventures before his retirment when a figure appeared in a gap between the trees. "Treefather!" exclaimed Hamilton, bowing his head in respect," To whom to I owe this honor?" "I sense you are troubled my son. What is troubling you?"asked Treefather Birch. "Well ,Treefather, I Have grown tired of this life amoung the trees. My mind yearns for the life of adventure that I left behind." "What are you saying my son?" asked Birch. Hamilton let out a long sigh before he continued. "I'm sorry Treefather. But I must leave this life behind to follow my heart." replied Ham. "Then so be it my son, remember the gates of Oasis are always open to you." Hamilton was so releaved that Birch understood his need he let out a yell. "Oh! Thank you Birchy!" The old man simply smiled and steped aside as Hamilton sprinted off toward the main gate. So begins a new chapter in Hamilton's life of adventure!

[Yes, I know I spelled impatient incorrectly in my profile.]
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:38 pm

[no worries]

Drakelius Leaves The Radio Station, And Heads Down To Megaton, Once There He Heads Inside The Gate, And Heads To Craterside Supply, And Then Buys Some Combat Armour, With A Helmet.

"Hmm... I Have An Idea."

Leaving The Shop, Drakelius Thinks Over His Plan...
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:04 pm

Hamilton awoke to the sound of gunfire and the smell of smoke. "Stupid [censored] raiders!" He said to himself as he reached for his assault rifle. Just below the overpass that Ham was perched on, a small group of raiders were taking pot-shots at some birds circling in the sky above. "God DANG!" shouts one of the raiders. "Why is it that no matter how many shots you fire at them things not one seems to his em'?" "I know what ya mean." replied the secound raider as he lit another cigarette. Above them Ham loads a fresh clip into rifle and reaches into a small cloth bag to his left, he pulls a bowling ball free from the bag and ballances it on the rail of the over pass. Now all he needed was for the gentlemen below him to stop moving. In the shadow of the overpass the raiders reload their hunting rifles. "How much more ammo we got?" asked the first raider. "About seventeen more rounds." The pair moved over to the near-by ammo box to collect the remaining ammo when a bowling ball plumetted from the overpass and busting the skull of the one on the left open! "What da' [censored]?!" shouts the remaining raider. He spins in place, trying to pin-point the location of the hidden attacker. "WHERE THE [censored] ARE YOU?!" he shouted before several rounds connected with the back of his skull. Hamilton approached the pair of bodys and began searching them, the only things the raiders had of value were the hunting rifles and ammo. But what he found in the ammo box surprized him, under the .32 rounds was an intact A series pip-boy 3000! "Havn't seen one of these since my days in the vault."He thought as he slipped the device onto his wrist and began inspecting the various notes in the note sections. He deleted most of them but noticed that one described the location of a large raider strong-hold near Megaton, a place called Springvale School. He read farther and was startled by the information contianed in the note, apparently they were trying to dig their way into a vault! He quickly set off in the direction of Megaton.
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:20 pm

Name: Kayumanggi
Where your starting at: Canterbury Commons
Appearance: Short black hair, dark brown eyes, Leather Armor, Sunglasses
Age: 16
Weapons: Silenced 10mm Pistol, Combat Knife
Personality: Calm, quiet, no-nonsense guy
What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With: Neutral
Three Basic Skills I Am Great With: Sneak, Small guns, Melee
Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With: Lock pick, Unarmed
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:30 am

"C'mon, Kay, get up, it's your shift."
As Kayumanggi slowly opened his eyes he saw Dominic and said to him "Pfft, just give me 10 more minutes."
"Nope, sorry, we agreed to have 3 shifts; 8 hours each. It's your shift, now.' Without any further argument Kay headed to his gun locker and got 6 clips for his pistol, grabed 2 bottles of dirty water and headed to the tree in front of Canterbury and steadily scanned the area for any strange movement. Man, I sure wished those Raiders killed me back then, better than sitting around here doing the same bloody thing every day. Just as the thought passed, Kay looked around, checking if anyone else was out. Everyone's still in bed, don't see what's stopping me... and with one last look back at Canterbury he blindly sprinted to the west...
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:38 am


Drakelius Moves Near To The Vault 101 Entrance... "I Hope This Still Works." He Then Enters The Wooden Door.
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:27 am

After running for 10 minutes Kay spots a familiar yellow jumpsuit, Lucky Harrith. Harrith was really nice to everyone in Canterbury, but Kay disliked him because of his eccentric behavior. It's... Tuesday isn't it? Harrith usually heads for Megaton on Tuesdays, I think I'll follow him there. Kay went into a crouch and gave a 10 meter spread between Harrith and himself so as not to attract any attention from him. After 5 minutes, Kay turned on his small personal radio to Radiation Radio, his favorite station, and put it to the lowest volume setting. It was quiet, but he was sure he heard fighting in the background but it stopped when he heard Richard the "Wasteland Cleanser" screaming for them to stop. Then after a 15 minutes of silence he heard Richard yell gleefully, "Oh and by the way I poisoned both of our drinks!"
Why Richard, why? Now I can only listen to GNR's static or Enclave. He switched his radio off and continued following Harrith...
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:22 pm

Drakelius Looked Around, And Then Typed The Supposed Password Into The Terminal, The Vault Creaked, The Door Opened!
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Danny Warner
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:25 pm

It took Hamilton several days to finally reach megaton, but he eventually made it! He took a look around and noticed how much it had changed in the years he had been gone.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:02 pm

Drakelius Walked Inside The Vault, Running Down The See What Opened It Was The Guard, He Raised His Hunting Rifle Higher Slightly, The Guards Barely Reckognized Him, He Told Them Of The Raiders Plan...

OOC: Thanks For Da Major Bump.
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:54 pm

Name: Nathan Clynes
Where your starting at: Guarding Paradise Falls with his partner Grouse.
Appearence: A man who has performed open surgery on himself to save his life. Replaced arms and legs with the best metal he could find in the wasteland. Only half of his skull is real. Stands a bit taller than Charon due to the prosthetic enhancements. Scruffy black hair and half of his face being a big chunk of metal designed and textured nicely to look of that of a cyborg. Arms and legs are covered entirely with the Neural Interface Suit. (Metal hands can be seen though)
Age: Appears 20-ish
Weapons: Mesmetron (Mezzer), Plasma Grenades
Personality: Thinks logically, reasonably for the best interests of the wasteland and rebuilding it.
What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With: Evil
Three Basic Skills I Am Great With: Medicine, Energy Weapons, Repair
Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With: Science, Explosives

Anything Else: My character is a cyborg not an android, please do not confuse him with one unless it's intentional.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:07 pm

Name: Nathaniel Clark
Where your starting at: Springvale
Appearence: A long beard, long brown hair, blue eyes, never had a bath, an old and very dirty brahmin-skin suit
Age: 54
Weapons: hunting rifle,
Personality: Friendly, not so intelligent.
What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With: neutral
Three Basic Skills I Am Great With: small guns, repair, lockpick
Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With: melee weapons, explosives
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:04 pm

Name: Chris Harrington
Where your starting at: Megaton Gates
Appearence: Scruffy black hair and a rough beard. He is wearing a duster and a pair of sunglasses.
Age: 20
Weapons: Hunting Rifle, Combat Knife
Personality: Tough but open minded.
What Sort Of Karma You Would Start With: Neutral
Three Basic Skills I Am Great With: Small Guns, Melee Weapons, Repair
Two Basic Skills I Am Okay With: Sneak, Lockpick
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JR Cash
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:29 pm

Chris was walking out of Megaton and it was a day like any other, he was about to set out scavenging for junk to sell. He was heading towards Springvale as he caught the glimpse of a person entering a small wooden door in the side of a rocky hill in the corner of his eye. He knew that his curiosity has got him into trouble before but he couldn't resist. Looking around he saw no-one else and decided to investigate. Thinking to himself about where that door would lead and who that person was made him walk faster towards the unknown door.

As he reached the door he un-strapped his Hunting rifle from the side of his pack. Sliding the blot back and chambering a round for the first time in a week. Chris said to himself; "Hmmm. Feels good to have some ammo again. I hope I don't have to use it."

He slowly opened the door and cautiously poked his rifle, then his head round the door and into the long, dark tunnel. At then end he saw a cog shaped hole. He approached the hole, his heartbeat quickening, and he saw; he saw that it was no hole, it was a door...

Chris had never seen anything like it. Inside there were three people, talking. He approached them at a slow pace, with his rifle raised, his sights centred on the group and shouted; "What is this place and who the hell are you three?"...

PS: This topic was a great read so I bumped it and I want all the other guys to get back into it! Thanks!
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:45 pm

Chris was walking out of Megaton and it was a day like any other, he was about to set out scavenging for junk to sell. He was heading towards Springvale as he caught the glimpse of a person entering a small wooden door in the side of a rocky hill in the corner of his eye. He knew that his curiosity has got him into trouble before but he couldn't resist. Looking around he saw no-one else and decided to investigate. Thinking to himself about where that door would lead and who that person was made him walk faster towards the unknown door.

As he reached the door he un-strapped his Hunting rifle from the side of his pack. Sliding the blot back and chambering a round for the first time in a week. Chris said to himself; "Hmmm. Feels good to have some ammo again. I hope I don't have to use it."

He slowly opened the door and cautiously poked his rifle, then his head round the door and into the long, dark tunnel. At then end he saw a cog shaped hole. He approached the hole, his heartbeat quickening, and he saw; he saw that it was no hole, it was a door...

Chris had never seen anything like it. Inside there were three people, talking. He approached them at a slow pace, with his rifle raised, his sights centred on the group and shouted; "What is this place and who the hell are you three?"...

PS: This topic was a great read so I bumped it and I want all the other guys to get back into it! Thanks!

Thanks For The Major Bump

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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:57 am

Thanks For The Major Bump


Np, but can people please write stuff! I didn't bump it just for people to ignore it again.
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Big mike
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:47 pm

Drakelius Exited The Vault A Hero, After Telling The Guards Of The Raiders Plan He Was Crowned A Hero! He Left The Vault And Headed Back DOwn To Megaton.

When He Arrived At The Entrance Gate To Megaton, The Gate Shifted Open With One Heck Of A Grind "Urgh, I HATE That Grind..." Drakelius Moved To His Small Sleeping Corner In Megaton. There Was Nothing But A Sleeping Bag There. "Ahh, Good. No One Stole My Bed!"
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:00 am

Post limit. Time to start a new one if you want to.
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