New Factions in Fallout Online

Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:26 pm

what new factions do you think should be in fallout online?

I wrote a long desricbtion about a faction i thought would be cool but when i clicked save draft it got deleted :evil: :cry: :|
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Post » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:37 am

Well, apart from the old ones like Enclave, BoS and NCR... and some remains of the Master's army (there are still no information about the FOL setting so I have my hopes and dreams) - I think some new raider clans are in order, and perhaps some new sort of religious cults.

But I think it would be better if that sort of things are let for the players IG, for them to construct their own fractions or guilds, with the standard ones included.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:23 pm

Well first off, where in the world/US are we :P

Anyway, raiders are always needed (old fallout raiders, not the blood-drinking and sleeping next to corpses raiders from fo3).

Think there should be at least a few alliances (nations if you like that word better) binding together towns (kinda like NCR). Well, it's hard to say :P I just want all the stuff that made fallout 1,2 so great xD Image
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Post » Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:25 am

I hope just enough to make a system that supports some of the things I've talked about in other posts. (Yes yes, EVE me this and EVE me that.. But please don't misunderstand me, i don't want a carbon-copy set in sand, dust and radiation, i just take a liking to the particular system they managed to set up)

Factions that oppose each other, and factions that doesn't exclude others.
Sorry for taking a recent example, but:

NCR --- Legion

Siding with one means you can't be goody-goody with the other just as easily, but it doesn't mean that the remaining two (and possibly their sub-factions) are going to give you the evil eye either, unless you're very goody-goody, to the point of spooning at night with them.

So, as for new factions?
Well, Nightkin surely doesn't feel quite comfortable anywhere except nowhere and with themselves. So there's a bit of a no-brainer (ba-dum tish). But that's about all that comes to mind on my part.

Could be good fun to see a reforming of the Master in some form (It's written on the desk!). So probably another cult, a disillusioned (more than usual) Super Mutant army, or even the .. thing.. it.. them.. ?_@
Could have the south-east come pay a visit, see what Japan and Korea's been doing the past centuries, could have a whole boat-load of us Europeans come over as well. Introduce a whole new slew of possible factions, nations, and juicy fiction. See how we did as well.
Are we all ghouls? Or did we have more bunkers?
Was Denmark even targeted by anyone, have we in fact been sitting aimlessly wondering why the frack nothing's been happening the past few centuries, eating our wheat and meat, drinking our beer and milk? ;)

Well, don't know if that answered much. It's more of a thought exercise than anything really, given how many factions there's already present. The range of human extremes are mostly covered (greed, virtue, egoism, altruism, warmongering, peace-mongering, fanaticism, etc.) But I would like to know what happened to the the rest of the planet, not just The World. :shock: (sorry, couldn't help myself. *runs from ban-hammer*)
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:50 am

I think that applies for Scandinavia :P we still probably got polluted by radiation, probably Russia fault >_>. But I can't see any reason for anyone to drop a nuke directly on any Scandinavian country unless they sided with someone and went all-out aggro on the other side...

But it would be fun to see what happened to other parts of the world (expansion packs make long-travel to other countries possible?). Image
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:20 pm

Well, I don't want to see automatic bonuses/penalites just for belonging to a faction.

I do want to see degrees (levels) of how I am involved (part of) a faction, not counting those who are race based/opposed kind of factions.

When I start out as a human in the Fallout world, I don't want to have an association with any known factions or player factions (unless that is an option of character creation in allowing you to start with a faction background).

If do small jobs for the Hotheads, The Fist, and the Skimmpers, I think a small % of reputation should be assigned to me (the player) each time I do jobs for them. After so many jobs they might offer (demand) that I join up with their faction.

At the time of the offer, I have to decide what I am going to do and it effects everything after that. Saying no could be just as good/bad as saying yes.

For some of the factions, if I don't join they don't offer me any more missions.

Then there should be jobs only available for faction members.

Some factions should have some strong membership requirements:
Missions that are hard or require you to do something to a rival faction/group.
Required jackets/gear that you must aways wear/use (or signature calling cards after each job/kill)
Possibly on the extreme side (like the slavers) you will be branded/tattooed with a very clear, visiable faction sigh/logo

Part of the game play but outside of the story, I wouldn't mind if player made factions get some extras like:
Can send messages to members of their faction (all members could yell for help or hello or where are you, higher level members of the faction can actually send out text to the entire faction)
Have areas where they can enter with out setting of the alarms (faction hideouts, NPC look outs, faction friendly merchants)
Designing their own faction gear logo's and 'colors'

I also would not mind if factions could buy NPC's for their faction but these are limited to guarding the hideout/hangout (ie these NPC's do not leave the area and if they are killed you have to hire (pay for) more.

And of course I want to see the opposite, the more you kill, interfere with, or cause problems for a certain faction, they will remember you and possibly either put a bounty on you or attempt to take you out on sight.

Dave Chase
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:58 pm

I'd be repeating myself, but, I wouldn't want to suddenly shift sides because I've done more for one faction than the other. I'd like the option, as you mention - but we already know that in FO that trust doesn't come too easy (well, lore-wise, anyway), so the work required to get to become a fully-fledged member would be quite big, the pay-off for joining equally big - all the small "automatic bonuses" up till then is just an incentive to keep on being their peon.
But I'd still like the option to defect, if i suddenly can't stand the clunking echos of cans walking about in the bunker. Maybe get in with some Khans or NCR, see what they would have to offer.
Or an option to get the best of most "worlds" and play all boards at the same time ^^
With the only exclusion that you wouldn't be able to do that between two directly opposing factions.

For example: "BoS Patrols are getting to near our NCR borders, go pew-pew them".
Sure it shows you're willing to help out NCR, but not that you can be intimately trusted. Yet to the BoS it shows you wouldn't think twice about killing them. So they become increasingly less reluctant to trust you with "good" missions, or even trust you at all - as you also imply :)

Quite feasible, walkie-talkies and radioes being present and all.
As for the logo and colors, initially, I'd rather they didn't. Too much server load/clutter patches to support X amount of unique logos and color schemes.

Sounds interesting - but should have a limit as to how many they could hire (say, depending on the size of the hideout or area of control?)

Think i repeated myself somewhere in there, sorry about that :S
Oh, and sorry to partitioning your post a bit ;o

On a side note, could also make for an interesting story-tool. As in "Faction X has been seen in steadily increasing numbers across their border, seems like they might want to muscle in on some more territory".
All X members go "Yay, our way is the way forward!"
All others go "Oi, get ou'!"
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Post » Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:30 am

I would like to see an Enclave esq version of the Chinese Army. It would be kinda cool to see the Enclave go to war against their Chinese counterpart.
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:57 pm

It would be cool if the Factions made at the beggining were strong or just there were the main ones BoS, NCR ect. But then a player made faction could grow strong enough and make its own big Imprint on the game.
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:26 pm

It would be interesting to see a new faction pop up out of the blue.

In "Fallout New Vegas" you were given 4 factions you could side with (NCR,Legion,Mr.House, or Yes Man) why not let the player develop his/her own faction and have it play a major role in the storyline. :idea:
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:58 pm

That's exactly why I don't want to see the Commonwealth, and I like Blade Runner. Why do games studios have to fight and die? War, war never changes : (

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:37 pm

IMO, in FOOL, the factions from the previous FOs need to play a minor role, perhaps not much more than rumors and news from 'out that way'. The players need to be able to develop factions and they should even have different avenues of advancement.

From another post of mine from a few months ago concerning my views on player factions (i dont feel like retyping it :-P):

I think guilds shouldn't be parts of exsisting factions, but should be new ones and should have bonuses and penalties based on what they are, as well as karma restrictions/requirements in some cases. They could also be automatically hostile, or enemies to certain other types of guilds. A few examples:

example: Brotherhood of steel
pros: ability to produce high tech equipment including, but not limited to power armor, energy weapons, stealth boys, automated turrets for base defense, ect.
cons: limited in what they can trade (perhaps they could trade communication equipment and such, but the high tech armor/weapons would be a no-go), limited to a relatively small number of members, and limited to a few small outposts and one main base.
karma restrictions: neutral only.
enemies: expansionist technocrats.

Expansionist technocrats
example: The enclave
pros: ability to produce high tech equipment like the technocrats. Ability to expand and hold a large number of settlements.
cons: limited in number and very difficult to recruit new members due to karma limitations and the fact that they are enemies with almost everyone in the wasteland. They are also unable to trade with the exception of purchasing slaves and must gain new resources through warfare and harvesting them.
Karma restrictions: evil.
enemies: everyone with the exeption of slavers.

example: NCR
pros: able to produce mid-range tech such as most small guns, some big guns, and combat armor. Ability to expand and hold a large number of settlements. Ability to have a large number of members. Able to trade with any like aligned and neutral faction (if they are good, they can trade with other good factions and neutral factions).
cons: requires a high population of NPCs which means they need to constantly produce or trade for what's needed which limits the resources they can place into arms development. As they spread they could end up with a disident faction which is staging a rebelion (could be player or NPC). To continue expanding they would have to continue gaining members to hold thier territory.
Karma restrictions: none.
enemies: Expansionist technocrats, raiders, other expansionists.

example: the jackles, vipers, and khans.
pros: able to gain resources by attacking caravans and therefore quickly amass large amounts of wealth. Ability to have a very large number of members and they can recruit almost anyone.
cons: unable to produce any tech, they are limited to what they can raid. Unable to establish any large scale settlements.
Karma restrictions: evil
enemies: Traders and expansionists.

These are just some quick examples of what i can think of, of course there would be other factions such as slavers, traders, ect and there could even be advancement schemes for guilds/clans, such as once raiders get to a certain point they could choose to become slavers and perhaps expansionists.
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:29 pm

i do hope the the khans are a factor or faction in the fallout online world above all they are my favorite faction because they are the toughest raiders and strong warriors and would love the option not the dictation that you can make guilds or groups that are similar and share some of the same symbols and ideals

im sorry if this annoys you but i went out of my way to make a great khan group on steam and personally love the khans and feel the need to try to influence the game in some way
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:35 pm

I always thought there should be 3 starting factions/races with racial traits.

Vault Dwellers: Racial trait +% on stims and other pharmaceuticals. Xtra damage from radiation

Wastelanders: Racial trait +% to scrounging items

Muties: (That's right play a zombie or mutant) -% from stims and pharmaceuticals but immune to radiation.

I like the idea of have 3 factions each with there own starting area. Ya it would mean more storylines but also more replayability.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:01 am

I hope they have the khans in the mmo for a good reason, not just for the sake of it. e.g. if its set in california, the khans could be attacking arroyo because of the tension between the VD's family and the khans, and choosing on who you decide to help, they could feature in other quests if you pissed them off. I liked in NV, they act like they are in the right, yet supply drugs to raiders, and attack civillians.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:29 pm

Regulators, please.

To play a ghoul regulator is all I require. The rest, I'll adapt to.
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