33 Science => Techy (+2% Damage versus robots and power armor) or Naturist (+2% Damage versus animals)
66 Science (Techy) => Machinist (Require less material for mechanical recipes) or Circuit Boarder (Easier Hacking)
66 Science (Naturist) => Hunter (Better criticals versus animals) or Herbalist (More plants harvested)
100 Science (Machinist) => Compensator (+5 Big Guns) or Craftsman (Crafted weapons are better)
100 Science (Circuit Boarder) => Evil Electrician (+5 Energy Weapons) or Tesla's Heir (75% Energy weapon ammo cost)
100 Science (Hunter) => Survivorman (+5 Survival) or Trophy Hunter (More loot from animals)
100 Science (Herbalist) => Medicine Man (More healing from plant sources) or Anti-Medicine Man (More poison from plant sources)
Ok this gives you a rough idea of how this may work. This means that if you have a tree like this for every skill that you get very, very distinct characters in the endgame (not just merely gun or laser experts). What are your thoughts? All I want for Christmas is APA and a gauss rifle.