Hidden Player Names - SUGGESTION

Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:51 pm

Just an idea I came up with after playing so many fallout games and the NPC's tell you their names even after you know their names by just looking at them! To make it a very interesting and authentic RPG you should allow it where you have to "Identify" yourself to make your name shown to the people you identify yourself to. You could also make it so people would "Forget" someone after a specific amount of time not interacting with them. Also, if your player was part of a faction, your name would show up to everyone as "Unidentified Brotherhood of Steel Knight" or something to that effect.

I hope this is a creative idea, as I have not seen it on the forums yet (But havn't necessarily looked far either) and I will appreciate all forms of Criticism, and I hope to see this as an added part onto the game! Me: Dude, you can use your enemies as a stepping stone while at the same time impaling them on a spike pit.

Friend: Does it have cheese?

Me: Of course it has cheese! All awesomeness has CHEESE!
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:25 am

Hmm, if there ever would be a special roleplay server I would be in favor of it :P
(Maybe you can give players a signed foto? look at it and you will remember them) Image
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:10 am

i am totally agree.
Id love for example that the game would show the names only above people you have on your friend list or from people on your guild. IF so, i assume that being in someones friend list will need your permission.
Also can be done "inspecting" other people, but they will notice via chat that they are being inspected
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:03 am

Why only on a roleplay server? I'd like it on any and many mainstream servers. Why do games studios have to fight and die? War, war never changes : (

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:03 pm

This is a great idea. First it would limit the name tag spam on the screen and secondly it would be a nice touch to any guildwar feature. "Did i just kill a commander or a recruit?".
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:30 am

It would certainly add a lot of value to looking recognizable if you couldn't see people's names. I could see this being really tricky from a chat perspective, but for me the Idea would make the world feel a little more really and less like an MMO.

So here's my thumbs up. :D Another drunk conquistador conquering the governor's ball...
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:01 pm

Yep, gets my vote as well. Gaaaaaaary!

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luis dejesus
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:37 am

Why not just get rid of names all together? Make it so we actually have to learn to recognize people like IRL, with no in game text to remind us.

Ok, so i'm kidding. Kindof, but not really. It would be interesting, though, if players were forced to actually 'recognize' characters they know as opposed to just looking for thier name.
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:14 pm

intresting idea realy, but how long time would be good (to start to forget your name)?

no interaction between player A & B, in two months. i would say it mostly because i think that they for sure dont have anything to with eachother after a so "long" period

but I do like the idea of that u still will remember what that player was doing back then King of Swamp Castle: Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who.
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steve brewin
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:53 pm

I'm kinda back and forth on this to. It would be cool, I mean you wouldn't have any idea who was friend or foe unless you recognized him and even then there's a chance of mistaken identity. The major problem I see with this is that it is inevitable in a MMO that people will change their gear regularly as they advance in the game and recognition will be almost impossible unless players are being mindful of the need to be recognized.

"Hey man how are you?"
"Do I know you?"
"Ofcourse man, we pulled off that hiest in Chalestown, how could you forget?"
"I'm the town sheriff......."
"Oh, my mistake... I'll be going"

Sounds like fun. Another drunk conquistador conquering the governor's ball...
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:32 pm

that would be rather difficult b/c eventually people would start looking the same,i mean there's only so many different looks in a game and unless they make it so you can look like whatever you want without taking a stat hit,then everyone will wear the same stuff. Image
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:09 pm

that would be rather difficult b/c eventually people would start looking the same,i mean there's only so many different looks in a game and unless they make it so you can look like whatever you want without taking a stat hit,then everyone will wear the same stuff.

Have you even played any MMO that's been realised in the last 5 years? Just about every one has a HUGE amount of customization in how your character looks.

Yes, in power armor (for example), everyone would look the same unless they had decals or another form of identifying feature on the armor. But, would this necisarily be a bad thing? It could easily add a level of realism and immersion you dont see in every game. Of course, a lot of players would find any system which doesn't spoon feed you every bit of information frustrating 'i have to think about stuff, and learn stuff, and actually read the quests? screw that, too much like work, i'm going back to my old MMO where all i have to do is invest time for the best gear and memorize the best order to hit the number keys in.' Yeah, i'm exagerating, but i think you get the point.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:05 am

The only limitation I see in this would be the general chat and possibly some friends lists. What would it look like? "20:05:02 Someone says: Modifying all your guns, just bring raw materials. No fee needed". Gaaaaaaary!

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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:35 am

that would be rather difficult b/c eventually people would start looking the same,i mean there's only so many different looks in a game and unless they make it so you can look like whatever you want without taking a stat hit,then everyone will wear the same stuff.

Have you even played any MMO that's been realised in the last 5 years? Just about every one has a HUGE amount of customization in how your character looks.

Yes, in power armor (for example), everyone would look the same unless they had decals or another form of identifying feature on the armor. But, would this necisarily be a bad thing? It could easily add a level of realism and immersion you dont see in every game. Of course, a lot of players would find any system which doesn't spoon feed you every bit of information frustrating 'i have to think about stuff, and learn stuff, and actually read the quests? screw that, too much like work, i'm going back to my old MMO where all i have to do is invest time for the best gear and memorize the best order to hit the number keys in.' Yeah, i'm exagerating, but i think you get the point.
if your point was to be offensive,then yup got it. i dont recall actually insulting you in what i said,unless you find a difference of opinion insulting. Image
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:02 pm

Wolf, i sent you a PM.
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:21 am

I love the idea.
Thinking about this gives me the idea about passports, and having to show them to enter certain buildings/towns.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:32 am

I don't think 'passport' would be the right idea, but i definately like where this is going. Kindof reminds me of the papers you'd need to get into vault city in FO2.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:16 pm

I don't think 'passport' would be the right idea, but i definately like where this is going. Kindof reminds me of the papers you'd need to get into vault city in FO2.

It was only what I was thinking of.
I comes down to the same thing you posted, getting into a building or city.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:09 pm

I don't think 'passport' would be the right idea, but i definately like where this is going. Kindof reminds me of the papers you'd need to get into vault city in FO2.

It was only what I was thinking of.
I comes down to the same thing you posted, getting into a building or city.
it'd be cool at first but get annoying after a while if you had to do that with every building or city. maybe limit it to the real big cities like a vault city or NCR sized city or a real important place like a BOS base or Enclave base. Image
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:31 pm

"Welcome to Dinkies Dingy Dive Bar!, Coldest Nuka Cola in the wastes and the stiffest drinks this side of Crater Ridge.... now before I server you I'm gunna need to see your papers.... what's that?... you don't have any papers?????? GET OUTTA MA BAR YOU DIRTY WASTE RATS!!! THAT'S RIGHT I'LL CUT YOU UP IF YA DON'T SCADADLE RIGHT QUICK!..... Damn vagabonds. Good riddance"

I doubt every building in the wastes will have the security or the need to keep everyone who is permitted access on the records... Sure a vault city or a BOS or whatever. It might be kinda cool to have to become a citizen of NCR or whatever equivalent faction that might be in this game... It would kinda be a nice change to the usual "This Faction doesn't like you"

While I'd like it if there were some system leaning everyone towards a less MMOy social scene in game (by perhaps getting rid of Player names and whatnot) I am not sure I trust any developer to put in place a system that makes everyone happy. SO, I will be happy simply if my request for the ability to turn off player names is honored. EVERYBODY WINS... but will everyone be happy? :? Another drunk conquistador conquering the governor's ball...
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