Post » Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:11 am

Strcture. Environment. Economic. Develop. System

to start my idea at making it possible for guilds to build towns or bases with out the areas becoming to cluttered or congested with random bases sprining up al over the desert,

any one can star a guild but it taks some one of great power and strength as well as having influence with the surrounding tribes or factions,

quests and favors would have to be done for the people you are looking to build your area near just to be able to have anoff influence with the people so they will start trade with you and alow you to hire some of them to guard your base.

as well after you earn favors and are able to purchase land to start building your S.E.E.D.S on it will take a large mass of materials like ore, wood, and labor.

but as in game time gos much faster then real life to start the basics should take only about a mintue each and slowly increase in time, but as well being able to have others, such as hired labor, slaves, or robots to do the building for you as they can add to the amount that can be done at one time or simultaneity to increase the amount that can be done

as well as building having them doing minor maintenance, harvesting, or mining to add to the players reserves,

but to have labor as such it would take much more time for the construction to be completed, but a experienced player would only take a fraction of the time a labor force needs to complete Image
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:14 am

i rember its called the G.E.C.K. but being abe to get it from doing quests would be good thing for makin a place Image
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Post » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:58 am

Well (to help with the anti-cluttering thing), I have 3 thoughts here, depending on how they make the map system, if it's like old fallout (map traveling system) then creating bases for guilds wouldn't be a problem, not when it comes to space, but if it's more fallout3/generic mmo styled world system, then they could have pre-set areas to build bases on, areas that maybe can be conquered by rivaling guilds.

//I can expand that later idea a lot but I don't want to make a huge wall of text atm, ask me if you want me to explain more.

Pre-set areas would at least eliminate the cluttering problem.

quests and favors would have to be done for the people you are looking to build your area near just to be able to have enough influence with the people so they will start trade with you and allow you to hire some of them to guard your base.

Good idea, a city would hardly want an enemy to start building up big bases close to their city.

as well after you earn favors and are able to purchase land to start building your S.E.E.D.S on it will take a large mass of materials like ore, wood, and labor.

I do like to gather goods/do trading, but only if it serves a greater purpose, like this :P

but as in game time goes much faster then real life to start the basics should take only about a minute each and slowly increase in time, but as well being able to have others, such as hired labor, slaves, or robots to do the building for you as they can add to the amount that can be done at one time or simultaneity to increase the amount that can be done

what are the basics?

as well as building having them doing minor maintenance, harvesting, or mining to add to the players reserves,

Hmm, not sure about this one, since it's actually the same (to me) as using bots to gather materials.

but to have labor as such it would take much more time for the construction to be completed, but a experienced player would only take a fraction of the time a labor force needs to complete

What is an experienced player, just high lvl or could there be special skills you can invest in just to make you a good leader.

Like having special leadership skills, i.e:
Builder -> increase build speed of players by 10%->20%->30%->40%
Organizer -> increase build speed of slaves(non-playable characters) by 5%->10%->15%->20%
Property Owner -> lvl 1 - you are allowed to build a small base -> lvl 2 - you are allowed to expand your base with 2 buildings -> lvl 3 - you are allowed to expand your base with turrets and 2 buildings.
Military genius -> lvl 1 - you can hire 4 NPC guards for each base (if you can have more than 1) - lvl 2 - you can hire up to 7 NPC guards for each base -> lvl 3 - you can hire up to 10 guards for each base.

You get my drift, I think it would be nice if you would need to create characters just for organizing and leading a base. High charisma/intelligence, so we get a bit of diversity in players, so not everyone goes all out fightercharacters.

i rember its called the G.E.C.K. but being abe to get it from doing quests would be good thing for makin a place

Garden of Eden Creation Kit is made for creating build up big cities and such from scratch with the help of a kit with some amazing technology inside, your idea seems more like building a small guild base up using already existing materials in the wasteland and also asking already existing big cities if you have permission to build a base here, so I don't see the two as the same thing.

ALSO with this post!

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Post » Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:59 am

Any suggestions should probably try to be kept as generic as possible, otherwise no commercial entity is ever going to touch it while you're alive. Flesh out the details only as needed to convey the quality of the idea. Why do games studios have to fight and die? War, war never changes : (

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Post » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:29 am

i see one problem as any one would be able to find and stumple into your base if you wore working with a guild or solo, and having pre set places as the only places you can build would make space limited, so for the first on if its like fallout one or two you would need a lock and key for starters. but if they have it in the fallout 3 form wich i would prefer, you can have admine aprove a place that a high ranking member wants to start building on

but it can also play a part in spys as well, if any one took the time to do some thing like that wich i dought.

to start any good campine it takes a lot to start and to also keep going,

basics would be like putting up empty buildings to start puting things into it so you can call it a medical office or smithing shop or trade center, fences, trenchs, basic traps like pit falls for caching radscorpions or geckos, the things hunters and merchants would think is needed for basic survival.

i see how it looks like bots, so some thing need to be dne to pervent abuse of a feature from being abused, so the owner or player of high ranking who has the traits can have the wrokers do as orderd but only when the player is in a limited range. as well as only the player can collet the resources and no npc's can do a job that a player is supposed to undertake

skills like builder would have to be earned by hving a high level, havng above average with skills to earn the traits, that way it will take time for people to train and build up tobeing able to inprove the game for eather them selfs and there fellow payers.

i see wht you mean by there not the same, n it dsent have tobe built by guilds just simple players could earn up anoff to start making trading outposts toerna little extra money.

and every thing can be iproved little by little,

and i would like for gamesas to use my idea thats why i posted it, my ideas are for inter play to use andthey dont have to wiat for m to die befor they can use it. as long as they at lest said thanks and told me,

other then that inter play can twick my idea and use it how ever they want Image
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