Grow up

Post » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:31 am

I've been reading these bs posts for a good month now and tbh, most of you are self-centered, intolerant, rude, and immature whiners. Some of you even spew out arguments which make almost no sense:

Class action law suit
Better Business Bearau
Crytek you lied
F**K you Crytek I'll never buy a game from you again

There's plenty more but these come to mind off hand. I'm not a crysis fanboy and I only used c1 for benchmarking. That being said, this crowd is so insanely fickle it's almost unbelievable. I'd be willing to bet most people into fps'ers have praised the achievements of c1. I know the benchmarking community does. c2 wasn't required to play better than c1, or have better graphics than c1, and any other concoction some of you have been spouting out about. Seriously, I'm not trying to instigate some rage chat, but perhaps some of you could just take a breath, step back, and sort yourselves out. Those than can't I will have to assume you are a teenager which I can understand to a degree. It is a fact, that age group has not fully developed their brains which may account for these impulsive nonsense threads. For those in their 20's or > and are writing this garbage, I foresee a difficult life for you in the real world.

There doesn't need to be any more threads about:

- hackers
- cheaters
- graphics let downs
- vulgar jabs at crytek
- dx11
- or any other total f--cking insanely stupid comments about whatever.

I see this stuff to a degree in any new game but being dead honest this is the worst I've seen and are generally supporting an idea that pc gamers are f--cking -ssholes.....good job.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:47 pm

Grow up

There doesn't need to be any more threads about people talking about other people making threads about:

- hackers
- cheaters
- graphics let downs
- vulgar jabs at crytek
- dx11
- or any other total f--cking insanely stupid comments about whatever.
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:54 pm

You just proved my point. It's either some lame comment that's been said a million times and or insults. You may take what I think about all of this as an insult to you. That doesn't make me wrong or that I'm not looking at it the right way. You mean to tell me you think it's cool to wiggout like everyone has been? That the way you guys are going about this is a really good idea?

- I have np to not make another thread lke this. Either you guys get it or you don't.......
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:35 pm

Personally I love the game and am looking to play it for a very long time. Post-Human warrior SP was just too much fun!
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:32 am

i dont think anyone is going to get over it until crytek delivers.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:53 am

I agree and I'm not saying they should let it go but the way stuff gets posted up here, it'd be hard for anyone to take some people serious. It just makes the whole pc crysis community look like total db's....
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Jah Allen
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:59 pm

personally I am sick of these post about some idiot telling ppl not to rage post.

Honestly these are the biggest morons out there .

People paid 60 bux for a broken game with no possible way to get there money back or enjoy the game they bought

I say let them vent.

If you don't like the venting then you can just simply not come to this forum
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:54 am

Nonstop rage posting for endless threads abou the SAME THING EVERY TIME is only slighter more tasteful than the PLAYPIRATEC2FOR FREE posts. If you think that guy is a moron or an idiot, just know you're not too far off.....

Dude, seriously most forums have rules to not post multiple threads of the same thing over an over again. I think it has something to do with wasting space and being a clueless...........

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:00 pm

Whining about blabla post this blabla thread here.
We have seen enough of tarted people like you that wanne smooth things down. You probably 1 of does people that can actualy play the game.
Or a console boy.. You wanne help Crytek out ??, go write them a letter that you love beeing ripped off and wanne have there baby's.

Strip it down.... Payed for broken game, you can complain! - lack of support, you can complain! - The got warnings during demo and didnt do **** about it..... complain!

I believe you are the "guy"that doesnt get anything.
Not like you gonne buy a new TV, that doesnt work and you take no action ????.. ya right!
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Post » Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:23 am

i just ignore the pirating post. But my point is this is not like a console game, where if it svcks I can just, trade it in a gamestop, sell it on ebay or give it to a friend. There is no recourse for buying a pc game especially one that you buy at 60 bucks. Not all people are made of money like you are and they may not take kindly to feeling like they have been screwed out of 60 dollars. If you buy digital your just out 60 dollars and that's it.

The raging, immature behavior is there only way of getting back at crytek either that or pirating. So I just say let them vent they have every right to because it's the only real action they can take, that's legal anyway..
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