Crysis 2 is NOT a full sandbox game, so isn't Crysis 1!

Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:14 am

The claim "Crysis 2 is linear" comes from the single aspect of the game of beeing set in a city, I guess. If it would be set on (another) jungle, but the Maps would have almost the same structure, no one would complain about it.

See, Crysis 1's Levels are big, yes, but they are not full sandbox and open-world. THEY ARE corridores, but large. I can think of several: First Chapter - beginning, Second Chapter - beginning, ending, Third Chapter - beginning, and all the rest after Core. They are large corridores. I could have said "Crysis 1 is open space" and mention the "Onslaught" Level, but that is purely the biggest open Space map in that game. So I'd compare it to "Unsafe Haven", wich is the biggest open space map in Crysis 2.

If Crysis 1 would be a full sandbox game, we could explore the whole Lingshan Island in one map. We can't.

Linearity is not bad people. I'd rather take a more linear (but still enough space for free decisions and ways to get through that situation) Crysis with a better presentation, storyline and mindblowing moments, then a ultra free open world Crysis, where the adrenaline meter stays always at the same level.

Proof me otherwise, but don't just spam "You're wrong!" without giving me concrete answers and examples.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:01 pm

Yeah, there's no difference between a corridor shooter (C2) and a limited sandbox (C1) and a full sandbox.

I too disagree, C1 wasn't a *full* sandbox. (Good enough, though. Unlike C2). But did you have to make such a big deal out of one f*ing word someone said? Seriously?
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:15 pm

...What point are you trying to make exactly? It's obvious Crysis isn't a full sandbox. The term is meant to be taken lightly when you talk about a game like this.

And if you are complaining about your adrenaline not being high in a game like Crysis, play Warhead.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:58 am

If Crysis 1 would be a full sandbox game, we could explore the whole Lingshan Island in one map. We can't.

Nope. What defines a game as being a sandbox game is not how large the world is. A sandbox game is where the player basically makes their own fun by playing it in their own way. There is no 'right' way to play a sandbox game. A perfect example is Minecraft.

To make Crysis a sandbox game you would have to take away the objectives.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:53 pm

The special things about sandbox games is, that they are intense and still get me to play them over and over again. If you'd tell me about BC2's campaign, I wouldn't want to play it again, because it's always the same.

When I want to play around in C1, planting C4 on a car and let it drive into enemies and let it explode, I can do that, and that's what made Crysis, Crysis. But yesterday, I did that in Crysis 2, too. I admit, Crysis 2 is a bit more linear (like Warhead was, in several parts) in exchange to give a more cinematic feeling, but still doesn't abandon the free movement and options to play the game. I can still find new paths, ways and options to get through the next action bubble, without getting bored.

I'm not claiming Crysis 2 is a proper sandbox game, hell no, but saying it is a corridor shooter, just because the view distance is lower, is just not right. I prefere Crysis 1 in many ways, but I don't want the second part to be called BS, when it's not.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:24 pm

C1 maps we're like 10x the size of C2 maps, and you could engage the enemy in anyway you wanted
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:56 pm

you could engage the enemy in anyway you wanted
You can, too, in Crysis 2 -_____-
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Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:12 am

I think C2 strikes a good balance between the forward momentum that relatively linear games have and the freedom of a sandbox game. To say it's a "corridor shooter" is just ridiculous. CoD and Killzone are corridor shooters, and they have far, far more restrictive maps than C2 does.

What kind of bothers me, now that I've played through the campaign three times in a row, is that it seems like almost every map has some sort of "trick" approach to it where once you figure out how to do it, you can basically sneak through the whole thing in ten minutes. I do like that the game rewards tactics and lateral thinking (and the trick is usually not something the visor will tell you as a "tactical option"), but it often ends up being so easy that you feel like you've practically broken the game. For example, to get across the pier after escaping from Gould's apartment, you basically have to snipe one CELL operator on the left, drop down and then you can just walk up the street to the end of the map. Boom - done. Even on Supersoldier.
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