» Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:41 pm
It's just you.
No, im pretty sure its not me. Your attempt at humour just made yourself look like a complete idiot when its been done about 10 times in this thread already. We dont need you useless comments thanks.
Well, excuse me for reading your thread and giving a straight answer to your question. I had no idea it makes me look like an idiot if I don't think the killstreaks are awful, but well balanced. I should have seen that my answer was most apparently the *wrong* one, before voicing my useless opinion. Damn. I'm so stupid.
How does it make you feel? Smart, perhaps? Like a scientist, yes?
We all know that you werent being serious with your answer and you just grabbed a quick chance to insult somebody. And did I say you have a useless opinion? No. I said that your comment was useless, because it was to be honest. What is the point in making a three word comment like that? Like I said, you just wanted to quickly take a chance to get at somebody.