Despite what a lotta peeps say, I have Crysis and Warhead for the PC, and there's no way Crysis2 doesn't look better.
I can't believe they got it running so well and optimized that I don't even need to run SLI for a brand new game that looks like this to be buttery smooth in 3D.
Sure it ain't sandbox. It's more of a generic shooter in that sense. And I understand why that ticks off a lotta fans of the original. But I decided to just enjoy it for what it is now, and got totally immersed in it regardless.
I was actually gonna have to get 2 copies, as I do a lotta games. One on pc to play in 1080 with all the tasty graphics turned up. And one on 360 to play with all my pals, since there's a group of 8-12 of us that play together on LIVE and system link (LAN), but of which few have pc rigs.
Anyway.. They were all waiting on my recommendation for us all to go get it. I was sure this was gonna rip us away from Cod and bfbc2. It was either gonna be this, brink, or Duke forever (hopeful, but doubtful on duke of course) that'd take us thru to Battlefield3 I figured. I actually was pretty convinced we'd need this AND Brink.
So I finish my love affair with the single player, and jump online for some mp.....and.. Heartbreak
Not even going into too much detail with the matchmaking problem, where, in Australia... There seems to be (seriously) only ever 3 lobbies full of 16 people playing which you might have to keep trying to join for 30 goddamn minutes. (and I can't spend that time in a free4all with the one pal who does have a pc, coz we need a min. Of 4 people. Brilliant. And like with most games these days, we can't have an awesome, lag-free LAN game... Coz every developer punishes those who purchase their games with futile methods of trying to stop pirates...who funnily enough never seem to have a problem getting around those measures)
But I finally do get into a game, and what do I find? A never-ending bunch of invisible dudes hidin in corners, with the remainder being invisible dudes running around. I get my ass handed to me a few times, refusing to give into the temptation to also go invisible, as I simply can't see how that could be any fun. I wonder how anyone is having any actual FUN.
But after watching a bunch of kill-cams, I realize the only way I'm gonna be competitive is to do what everyone else is doing... Be invisible and turn on heat-vision.
So I do that. Suddenly I'm competitive, and not so frustrated. But as I'm playing, I wonder some more...
I wonder if Crytek actually played the hell outta this mp and thought it was bangin fun running around invisible and needing heat vision to see other players in a fps.
I wonder what the hell the point is in having invisibility and heat vision in the first place?
Especially if what u get as a result is the ability to do what we all wanna do in a FPS.... Which is see the other players. (Except in an exceedingly frustrating and roundabout way, since now I'm constantly turning this annoying stuff on and off constantly, and I'm not able to enjoy the amazing visuals being produced by the incredible engine the developer has just busted their ass making the last few years, because I'm using heat vision... And everything is grainy and blurry and 2 colors. Double awesome.)
I wonder what it would be like having a match with my friends over a LAN where we could turn all that stupid stuff off and have a straight up fight. (although sadly, I don't have to wonder too long. I know it would be awesome)
And finally... I wonder.... I hope to hell... That Brink rocks. That Brink is fun.
Coz this is the furthest thing from it I've experienced in a while. And that's a massive shame. Coz the rest is SO good. And they were SO close. But I can't tell my buddies to all go out and blow $ on this bore of an excuse for multiplayer.
What a letdown. And that's an understatement...