In crysis 1 , my beloved map was MESA on POWER STRUGGLE ! and yours ? : )
Power struggle was a great game mode in many generation of multiplayer games. In my opinions, it's a very nice open-world map. You can travelled all along in the road , sea or even sky to kill your opponents. And you can choose your own objective to do what ever you' d like to. It's all up to you. Protect the alien-energy site, Capture the war factory, attack the enemies base ! And it's variable gameplay that makes people think ! Put some claymores here or where ? When you are capturing the building , what would you do ?, stand still in front of the doors and wait !?! Or maybe put some claymores on and pointed your gun toward them.
I feel very disappointed about not having them in C2 . But I hope maybe Crytek should think about it in their next Crysis Series.
I knew it was very difficult to make them in Crysis 2 that is on Multi-platform, but keep goin' make us some more good game ^^