Multiplayer Recommendations (suitable for a patch)

Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:27 am


I'd like to give my feedback on the multiplayer. I've only listed the ones which I think can be fixed in a patch.

I play on PC so I don't know how many of these affect all platforms.

Please let me know about any errors.

1 Menus
? Show the game types in rotation on the server information page. I would say the worst thing for me right now is playing on servers that keep rotating to Instant Action and Team Instant Action. As a quick fix, I wish all servers would display the game types as acronyms in the server name: IA/TIA/A/E/CS/.
? The filters for "Type", "Modifier" and "Map" should be tick boxes to allow multi-selection.
? When I click on "Show Empty", don't automatically put a tick/cross on "Show Full".
? Individual servers should refresh when highlighted in browser list.
? When you click on a server, the selected server should remain in the same position in the list and remain selected, even as the list is updating.
? Change "Cancel" to "Cancel Search".
? Add a key/legend to explain what the icons mean. Don't assume that every player will know what each icon means.
? Add "Add to favourite" buttons in game, and on the game session/lobby screen.
? Reduce the time waiting in game session/lobby screen.
? [by Hedgehog8] Profile progress needs to be saved at the end of each individual game and not when you leave a server/lobby. If this cannot be achieved, remove the option to view "Operative Status" from the server/lobby menu - it's confusing.
? Add key binds for primary and secondary weapons.

2 In-Game
? Own footsteps are too loud.
? Team mate battle pvssyr audio does not appear to vary by player distance.
? Sound directionality is terrible. My Zalman ZM-RS6F give unbelievable sound direction in COD - every sound I can put on a clockface. In this game, I can't even tell if a sound is in front or behind me!
? Games are too short. Increase the number of points/rounds required to win.
? Spawning is poor. I've spawned in front of enemies even when the map loads. I know spawning is a developer's head ache, but on map loading!? I've also seen attackers spawn very close to the targets in Assault mode (on Pier 17).
? Display the server name and IP (PC only) when viewing the in-game scoreboard.
? [by Hedgehog8] Keep text chat messages on screen a little longer. Ideally would like to be able to scroll back/forth through text chat messages.
? Assault: Auto switch to a new player 3 seconds after the one you have been watching dies.
? Assault: Switch to an enemy player when everyone on your team has died.
? Assault: Allow 1st and 3rd person spectate mode.
? Save the shotgun fire mode settings after death as per:

Items fixed in earlier patches
? Save the filter settings once the user has left the server browser.

Overall I like the game though.

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:07 pm

The Ceph gunship can be shot down, if you don't like how long it lasts, shoot it down yourself.

Other than that, I agree the spawning is pretty lame; I once spawned right in front of a guy who was, for some reason, already in ADS (the killcam actually showed me appear in front of him).

Sound detection should take a low priority to connection patching - only sound whores care about it anyway.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:40 pm

Thanks for the reply.

The Ceph gunship can be shot down, if you don't like how long it lasts, shoot it down yourself.
I know, but it's a comment on balancing.

Sound detection should take a low priority to connection patching - only sound whores care about it anyway.
Crytek have hundreds of staff so some will take care of networking and some take care of audio etc. It's only right to point these things out now.

And yes, I am sound whore!
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:26 am

Ceph Gunship goes down to one JAW and maybe 10 SCAR/SCARAB bullets. Its an easy 300EXP when somebody calls one in. If you are too low to unlock the JAW then it can be pretty annoying but people got a 7 killstreak for that thing. Looking at my own stats my Ceph Gunships get me on average around 3 kills each time I call one in.

As for your suggestions I agree with a lot of them. Ive spawned face to face with an enemy on Wall Street (in the subway entrances) on numerous occasions and the other day I actually spawned right behind an enemy. I immediately Cloaked and grabbed him and there was nothing he could do. Ive also seen people spawn right next to objectives in Assault.

Sound is fine in my opinion, I have no problems locating people via footsteps.

Adding to your list though..

In game text chat scrolls and disappears much too quickly and there is no log to view past messages. (maybe they can be viewed in the console, it just came to mind but I havnt tried it)

Profile progress needs to be saved at the end of each individual game and not when you manually leave a server/lobby.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:24 pm

Thanks Hedgehog8.

Ceph Gunship goes down to one JAW and maybe 10 SCAR/SCARAB bullets. Its an easy 300EXP when somebody calls one in. If you are too low to unlock the JAW then it can be pretty annoying but people got a 7 killstreak for that thing. Looking at my own stats my Ceph Gunships get me on average around 3 kills each time I call one in.

I haven't got the JAW yet. It does take a fair while to shoot down the with MG60. Hopefully they can look at the average number of kills players are getting and balance it accordingly. I have just seen players earn it, and then run riot.

Sound is fine in my opinion, I have no problems locating people via footsteps.

I must admit, I haven't tried the perk that means enemy foot steps are louder. But I'm talking about the directionality of all sounds. It's really disappointing because my headphones give incredible directionality in other games.

I do think they need to look into it. I know that in COD: BO, they have this sound occlusion which means sounds reverb off buildings. But that can be turned off. If they are reluctant to provide that option, I think the reverb should be reduced. If you hear gun fire and you're in line of sight of the source, you would know which direction it came from.

In game text chat scrolls and disappears much too quickly and there is no log to view past messages. (maybe they can be viewed in the console, it just came to mind but I havnt tried it)


Profile progress needs to be saved at the end of each individual game and not when you manually leave a server/lobby.
...have been added to the list.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:31 pm

I would add some things to gameplay balance, spawning isn't good indeed, but we also need stuff like :

- Fox Hitboxes

- Slightly increase range and damages of both shotguns (espescially the Marshall), There are plenty of threads proving they're clearly UP.

- Slightly decrease range of the SCAR

- Enhance resistance to melee when in armor mode so as it take 3 hits to be beaten down instead of the regular 2.

- Make airstomp a default ability and replace the perk by something that improves it (airstomp enhance or something like this)

- slightly increase weapon switching speed. (it takes ages to switch from primary to secondary without weapon pro lvl 3)

- Of course, fix matchmaking on Xbox (I think it's a wet dream I'm having, but still I'm going for it: give us dedicated servers, P2P is the worst thing ever)

And there are many other issues I can't remember right now.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:27 am

- Slightly increase range and damages of both shotguns (espescially the Marshall), There are plenty of threads proving they're clearly UP.

I haven't tested the shotguns yet. I would agree that shotguns are normally underpowered in games. They are not used that often. I don't think too many of the maps lend themselves well to shot guns. Not unless you camp in certain places of the map.

- Slightly decrease range of the SCAR

The range of the scar does seem to fit with other ARs/SMGs/LMGs:
Gun stats

- Enhance resistance to melee when in armor mode so as it take 3 hits to be beaten down instead of the regular 2.

I thought it did take 3-4 hits in armour mode?

Make airstomp a default ability and replace the perk by something that improves it (airstomp enhance or something like this)

I really can't see them changing this in a patch.

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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:51 pm

I don't think any game balancing decisions should be made off the opinions and whims of a few board members.
There are at least three people in my 100+ group on steam that are absolute demons with the Marshall. They continuously one shot myself and everyone else. They go 4:1 to 5:1 on a regular basis.

I'm over 2 days played / Rank 50 / waiting to reboot when it works correctly, so I think I have a little bit of opinion power in this regard. It's not our place to decide "this needs to change". I like the idea of suggestions that don't alter gameplay. I'd like the friends list to be sortable. I have .. a lot, now. Nearly a hundred after the server start fiasco.

I'd also like to see some progress made on fixing the kill cam so that we can actually get some valuable information from it, and not clips of bad 50's comedies where we fly through the air because of a rock hitting us in the foot. It's hard to find the kill cam useful for anything other than momentary sighs of frustration.

I have other thoughts but this will due for now. With so much of the game feeling incomplete all I feel like we can do is wait and hope. Crytek has our money now. They don't actually have to listen to any of us.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:00 pm

I don't think any game balancing decisions should be made off the opinions and whims of a few board members.
There are at least three people in my 100+ group on steam that are absolute demons with the Marshall. They continuously one shot myself and everyone else. They go 4:1 to 5:1 on a regular basis.

Having played with the shotguns now, I agree that the range is fine.

I added the following:

Menu: Add key binds for primary and secondary weapons.
Assault: Auto switch to a new player 3 seconds after the one you have been watching dies.
Assault: Switch to an enemy player when everyone on your team has died.
Assault: Allow 1st and 3rd person spectate mode.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:54 am

I would add some things to gameplay balance, spawning isn't good indeed, but we also need stuff like :

- Fox Hitboxes

- Slightly increase range and damages of both shotguns (espescially the Marshall), There are plenty of threads proving they're clearly UP.
No threads in this regard have PROVEN anything. For proof you would need more than arbitrary data.

- Enhance resistance to melee when in armor mode so as it take 3 hits to be beaten down instead of the regular 2.
They already give you an extra chance to defend yourself, do you really need two?

- Make airstomp a default ability and replace the perk by something that improves it (airstomp enhance or something like this)
There is still no justifiable reason for this. If you want to use airstomp, use the perk. Otherwise, don't use it. The argument that 'nobody uses it' which occasionally comes up also doesn't hold water, as I and others use it consistently despite perks such as Energy transfer being available to us.

- slightly increase weapon switching speed. (it takes ages to switch from primary to secondary without weapon pro lvl 3)
That's probably the point, otherwise you wouldn't use Weapon Pro III

I actually agree with scynix that our opinions aren't really qualified for the most part to say **** like 'change this'. There are plenty of people owning with the shotguns and FELINE despite our complaints. However, things like matchmaking DO need patching, as well as general connection and latency.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:13 pm


Save the shotgun fire mode settings after death as per:
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:14 pm

To the OP. is there a listing somewhere of the Server Browser Icons? I am one of those "don't assume everyone knows what they mean" types... e.g., the lock icon, EA icon, etc..
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