The new Patch, what a joke Crytek is

Post » Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:16 pm

Thanks crytek for actually not stopping any single hacker with new update i mean seriously all you did was change some 1s into 0s which even a toddler could pattern scan.

I can't even properly connect as i suddenly have NAT issues which i never had before the patch, what a coincidence.

N-c bug still remains and other stuff aswell which were all aparently fixed in the patch.

I got so pissed i tried this game on 3 different systems to only get the same blatant result which in the end allows me to say this with such content lol. I cannot believe this actually makes me lol.

Crytek If you release a patch at least do not make me waste my bandwith on it.
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Post » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:52 pm

After patch i only get Uk servers.Cool or?

You can't **** up a game more then this game it's just impossible.

Destroying a franchise in less then a month only cause they wanna have it on console.Without consoles we would NEVER have all these problems.What a shame.
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