Community Feedback for Future Crysis Patches

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:21 pm

hi all :) i just read some forum in steam aboute this game and im pasting it in here ,hoping that crytek are reading this ,,

Note: formatting a little weird so I can copy and paste this post between here and the Crytek forums when I update it.

Congratulations Crytek! Crysis 2 is offer to an amazing start, with excellent reviews scores and great sales! It’s not quite perfect yet, though, and here is a compilation of issues on the PC version. =)

This section is for issues that are currently affecting player’s ability to enjoy the game, and which cannot be mitigated by console commands or config editing.

-Multi-GPU support improvements. Specifically, a fix for the texture flickering issue.
-Main menu music begins playing a second overlapping audio track.
-Surround sound issues. (
-Ground texture issues on Roosevelt Island map. (

-Nano Catalyst does not save between sessions.
-Quicksave/Quickload feature. Although I can personally understand if the lack of this is intended for difficulty reasons, overwhelming consensus is that the game would benefit.
-After dying and reloading, sometimes player will become unable to use melee until the game is restarted. This appears to be fixed if the player finds a car or object that they can interact with.
-When there is a "camera-lock" or a cinematic moment, the inverted Y axis goes back to non-inverted for that time. For those who play with inverted it really takes you out of the action/moment in the game.
-Very annoying audio glitch:

-Issues with cheaters & players going online with the pirated version.
-Weapons/unlocks/perks not saving. To avoid these issues, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player accesses or modifies their classes, it connects to the master server.
-Servers need a maxping option, which apparently existed during the beta. People running around with 300+ pings really takes the fun out of it for others.
-Filters need to save between sessions.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work).
-Sometimes unable to switch weapons or melee when reloading.

-Lack of hit indication when using laser sight.
-Shotgun auto-reload bug when looking down the sights
-K-volt does not award kill assists. Issues with sprinting and reloading when using the K-volt (can anyone confirm?)
-Retriever perk does not level properly. (

-Ability to bind two or more keys to the same action. For example, I want C and Left Control to be crouch so that I can slide using C.
-Nanosuit Speech Volume Adjust (Or a fix specific to nano vision).
-Main menu music appears to begin playing a second overlapping audio track.

These issues might currently be possible to fix by tweaking the game files or they might just not be as important as the above issues. However, there is either a clear and strong consensus in favor of these changes, or they offer an obvious improvement to a specific segment of the community without bothering anyone else.

-Ideally, you’ll add an “Advanced Graphics Settings” menu, wherein you will give us access to each “sys_spec” variable with an option corresponding to 1-4.
-An anisotropic filtering option.
-An anti-aliasing option.
-If it is easier or in some way more functional, perhaps you could release an official config utility that operates from outside the game, like the unofficial ones currently available. Bioware has used this system for almost a decade now. (
- Checkboxes to enable/disable Bloom/HDR, motion blur, and depth of field. The intense lighting and blur effects can cause headaches and nausea for some people. A slider for motion blur amount would be nice. Perhaps a slider to control the amount of these effects, if possible.
-The ability to set up a separate autoexec file for singleplayer and multiplayer would be great. Some of us are content with 30 FPS in singleplayer in exchange for maxed graphics, while wanting a far higher frameratein multiplayer. You've already done a great job with performance on the multiplayer end, but this would make life even better.

-Mouse left/right need to be reversed for quick-time events on PC version. This is particularly noticable during a section of the game where a player is asked to crawl and the button press does not properly matched up to the hand moving. This is a common mistake because on consoles left is alternate and right is primary fire, whereas that reverses for PC.
-Preview image for save games (like Cry1).

-Server Browser filters need to save between sessions.
-We need the ability to add friends by clicking their name while waiting for a game to start, and a way to invite friends to a game while we are in it.
-Similarly, we need a way to add servers to favorites from in the lobby and while playing.
-Ability for severs to enable a vote to kick option.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work). I imagine this will be the case until I get the chance to prestige.
-In game chat is still a bit slow. Messages don't show up long enough for anyone to read them and at high resolutions the font seems too small. In non-ranked games, might as well be able to type something while dead.
-Server pings are fairly inaccurate. We need a way to filter out pings above X.

-Should still get hit indication even with laser sight equipped.
-Players continue to unlock weapon attachment unlocks even after there are no more available (perhaps due to pre-order bonus).
-Players who got the SCAR hologram through pre-ordering may not have unlocked the corresponding skill assessment.
-There seems to be a general consensus that weapons have too little spread and WAY too little recoil. Compare the recoil of the single-player Grendel-- that is a very fun and challenging gun. The high recoil gives it a sense of intensity and realism that is lacking from almost all of the guns in mutliplayer.
-This reflects itself most prominently in the dominance of the SCAR. A likely way to balance the SCAR would be to give it a headshot damage reduction-- allowing it to keep its niche as a jack-of-all-trades, high-accuracy, low-recoil gun, while allowing other guns, such as the Grendel, to outshine it for players more capable of getting headshots.

-Toggle option for crouch and sprint.
-Under "Mouse", an option to remove acceleration and smoothing.
-Separate option for inverting axis under gamepad and mouse.
-Adjustable FOV (If possible, correct animation/clipping issues at higher FOVs.)
-Ability to disable radio pvssyr (the voice that yells at you when you die).
-Option to set a specific key for "Secondary Weapon", rather than just offering a toggle. (In a perfect world, you'll allow us to bind EVERY weapon/explosive/etc specifically, but Secondary Weapon is probably the most important one.)
-There seems to be an almost irrational hatred for your polite request that we occasionally "press enter".
-In the Loadout Menu, theres no reason you cant show assessment progress and weapon stats at the same time. This is a bad holdover from the console UI that has also appeared in every iteration of the Call of Duty series.

Tier III: Hopes & Dreams
Stuff that we are crossing our fingers will come down the line, but that is not game-breaking in any way and which probably should not be prioritized.

-DX11, which has been confirmed to be a work in progress by a Crytek developer on twitter and by various Nvidia marketing materials. We can expect this in a few months-- everyone quit whining about it
-A 64 bit executable if this proves to actually offer a performance improvement
-The ability to run our own dedicated servers. This one is very unlikely for a lot of reasons, but there has been significant clamor for it, so it bears mentioning.
-Lots of people are asking for a more destructible environment, but this just really isn't something that can be patched in. Maybe consider this in your DLC offerings or for the (I hope) destined Crysis 3.
-The female suit voice for multiplayer. Would make a cool unlock/DLC.
-A real health bar above the energy bar (colored green when healthy red when unhealthy). Crysis 1 style.
-There seems to be a general sense that either armor mode or the amount of player health needs some tweaking. This could be done in a lot of ways; some suggest that damage multipliers might be a bit too extreme and give the sense of ultra-fast deaths at certain times. Perhaps this complaint stems from oft-voiced potential SCAR issues: that the easiest to use gun with zero recoil gets easy headshots at any range. Others argue that the issue instead lies in the netcode; the netcode is currently not ideal, and so guns like the SCAR which fire fewer bullets are at an advantage.
-Weapons seem a bit too easy to use on the PC version, where we use a handy-dandy super-accurate mouse. Increasing recoil, particularly when we spam full-auto weapons, would increase the challenge on our platform of choice.

FIN... for now

Please continue to post community feedback, including disagreements and debate! That's how we let Crytek know whats important to us and help them craft this into the best possible PC Game!
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:06 am

The inability to quick save is almost a game-breaker for me. For someone who likes to explore different strategies it really svcks to invest 30 minutes into a level and then have to start over from scratch. I can't believe that the game engine doesn't already have a quick save/load feature already built-in. Is there not some way it could be enabled by a hotfix or cfg file? Even an auto save when you get the tactical options message would be nice.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:01 pm

hi all :) i just read some forum in steam aboute this game and im pasting it in here ,hoping that crytek are reading this ,,

Note: formatting a little weird so I can copy and paste this post between here and the Crytek forums when I update it.

Congratulations Crytek! Crysis 2 is offer to an amazing start, with excellent reviews scores and great sales! It’s not quite perfect yet, though, and here is a compilation of issues on the PC version. =)

This section is for issues that are currently affecting player’s ability to enjoy the game, and which cannot be mitigated by console commands or config editing.

-Multi-GPU support improvements. Specifically, a fix for the texture flickering issue.
-Main menu music begins playing a second overlapping audio track.
-Surround sound issues. (
-Ground texture issues on Roosevelt Island map. (

-Nano Catalyst does not save between sessions.
-Quicksave/Quickload feature. Although I can personally understand if the lack of this is intended for difficulty reasons, overwhelming consensus is that the game would benefit.
-After dying and reloading, sometimes player will become unable to use melee until the game is restarted. This appears to be fixed if the player finds a car or object that they can interact with.
-When there is a "camera-lock" or a cinematic moment, the inverted Y axis goes back to non-inverted for that time. For those who play with inverted it really takes you out of the action/moment in the game.
-Very annoying audio glitch:

-Issues with cheaters & players going online with the pirated version.
-Weapons/unlocks/perks not saving. To avoid these issues, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player accesses or modifies their classes, it connects to the master server.
-Servers need a maxping option, which apparently existed during the beta. People running around with 300+ pings really takes the fun out of it for others.
-Filters need to save between sessions.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work).
-Sometimes unable to switch weapons or melee when reloading.

-Lack of hit indication when using laser sight.
-Shotgun auto-reload bug when looking down the sights
-K-volt does not award kill assists. Issues with sprinting and reloading when using the K-volt (can anyone confirm?)
-Retriever perk does not level properly. (

-Ability to bind two or more keys to the same action. For example, I want C and Left Control to be crouch so that I can slide using C.
-Nanosuit Speech Volume Adjust (Or a fix specific to nano vision).
-Main menu music appears to begin playing a second overlapping audio track.

These issues might currently be possible to fix by tweaking the game files or they might just not be as important as the above issues. However, there is either a clear and strong consensus in favor of these changes, or they offer an obvious improvement to a specific segment of the community without bothering anyone else.

-Ideally, you’ll add an “Advanced Graphics Settings” menu, wherein you will give us access to each “sys_spec” variable with an option corresponding to 1-4.
-An anisotropic filtering option.
-An anti-aliasing option.
-If it is easier or in some way more functional, perhaps you could release an official config utility that operates from outside the game, like the unofficial ones currently available. Bioware has used this system for almost a decade now. (
- Checkboxes to enable/disable Bloom/HDR, motion blur, and depth of field. The intense lighting and blur effects can cause headaches and nausea for some people. A slider for motion blur amount would be nice. Perhaps a slider to control the amount of these effects, if possible.
-The ability to set up a separate autoexec file for singleplayer and multiplayer would be great. Some of us are content with 30 FPS in singleplayer in exchange for maxed graphics, while wanting a far higher frameratein multiplayer. You've already done a great job with performance on the multiplayer end, but this would make life even better.

-Mouse left/right need to be reversed for quick-time events on PC version. This is particularly noticable during a section of the game where a player is asked to crawl and the button press does not properly matched up to the hand moving. This is a common mistake because on consoles left is alternate and right is primary fire, whereas that reverses for PC.
-Preview image for save games (like Cry1).

-Server Browser filters need to save between sessions.
-We need the ability to add friends by clicking their name while waiting for a game to start, and a way to invite friends to a game while we are in it.
-Similarly, we need a way to add servers to favorites from in the lobby and while playing.
-Ability for severs to enable a vote to kick option.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work). I imagine this will be the case until I get the chance to prestige.
-In game chat is still a bit slow. Messages don't show up long enough for anyone to read them and at high resolutions the font seems too small. In non-ranked games, might as well be able to type something while dead.
-Server pings are fairly inaccurate. We need a way to filter out pings above X.

-Should still get hit indication even with laser sight equipped.
-Players continue to unlock weapon attachment unlocks even after there are no more available (perhaps due to pre-order bonus).
-Players who got the SCAR hologram through pre-ordering may not have unlocked the corresponding skill assessment.
-There seems to be a general consensus that weapons have too little spread and WAY too little recoil. Compare the recoil of the single-player Grendel-- that is a very fun and challenging gun. The high recoil gives it a sense of intensity and realism that is lacking from almost all of the guns in mutliplayer.
-This reflects itself most prominently in the dominance of the SCAR. A likely way to balance the SCAR would be to give it a headshot damage reduction-- allowing it to keep its niche as a jack-of-all-trades, high-accuracy, low-recoil gun, while allowing other guns, such as the Grendel, to outshine it for players more capable of getting headshots.

-Toggle option for crouch and sprint.
-Under "Mouse", an option to remove acceleration and smoothing.
-Separate option for inverting axis under gamepad and mouse.
-Adjustable FOV (If possible, correct animation/clipping issues at higher FOVs.)
-Ability to disable radio pvssyr (the voice that yells at you when you die).
-Option to set a specific key for "Secondary Weapon", rather than just offering a toggle. (In a perfect world, you'll allow us to bind EVERY weapon/explosive/etc specifically, but Secondary Weapon is probably the most important one.)
-There seems to be an almost irrational hatred for your polite request that we occasionally "press enter".
-In the Loadout Menu, theres no reason you cant show assessment progress and weapon stats at the same time. This is a bad holdover from the console UI that has also appeared in every iteration of the Call of Duty series.

Tier III: Hopes & Dreams
Stuff that we are crossing our fingers will come down the line, but that is not game-breaking in any way and which probably should not be prioritized.

-DX11, which has been confirmed to be a work in progress by a Crytek developer on twitter and by various Nvidia marketing materials. We can expect this in a few months-- everyone quit whining about it
-A 64 bit executable if this proves to actually offer a performance improvement
-The ability to run our own dedicated servers. This one is very unlikely for a lot of reasons, but there has been significant clamor for it, so it bears mentioning.
-Lots of people are asking for a more destructible environment, but this just really isn't something that can be patched in. Maybe consider this in your DLC offerings or for the (I hope) destined Crysis 3.
-The female suit voice for multiplayer. Would make a cool unlock/DLC.
-A real health bar above the energy bar (colored green when healthy red when unhealthy). Crysis 1 style.
-There seems to be a general sense that either armor mode or the amount of player health needs some tweaking. This could be done in a lot of ways; some suggest that damage multipliers might be a bit too extreme and give the sense of ultra-fast deaths at certain times. Perhaps this complaint stems from oft-voiced potential SCAR issues: that the easiest to use gun with zero recoil gets easy headshots at any range. Others argue that the issue instead lies in the netcode; the netcode is currently not ideal, and so guns like the SCAR which fire fewer bullets are at an advantage.
-Weapons seem a bit too easy to use on the PC version, where we use a handy-dandy super-accurate mouse. Increasing recoil, particularly when we spam full-auto weapons, would increase the challenge on our platform of choice.

FIN... for now

Please continue to post community feedback, including disagreements and debate! That's how we let Crytek know whats important to us and help them craft this into the best possible PC Game!

Why so much text?

Just say "Patch the whole god damn game". :p

But i agree on your points.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:20 pm

HIGH QUALITY TEXTURES!!!! The current ones are **** optimized versions.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:24 pm

havent u figured out by now that crytek doesnt give a sh!t about the community?
they dont make any money from patches
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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:52 am

-Weapons/unlocks/perks not saving. To avoid these issues, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player accesses or modifies their classes, it connects to the master server.
-Filters need to save between sessions.
-Sometimes unable to switch weapons or melee when reloading.


pls check your first post! you pasted twice...
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:23 pm

Why does everyone always miss out the orbital strike bug!????

If this bug was fixed the game would be perfect for me, I don't give a **** if the music loops over each other or my perks don't save just use the workaround its fine!

NOW FIX THE GODDAMN ORBITAL STRIKE. WHENEVER IT IS USED THE GAME FREEZES FOR ABOUT 10 SECONDS. Everyone is standing still and you can just run up and kill them. Resulting in either +5 kills after the game unfreezes or +5 deaths, one guy killed me 3 times while the game was frozen before.

This is a **** joke!

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Assumptah George
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:55 am

Reading the congrats to Crytek on making this catastrophic sequal made me throw up in my mouth. The fact that you had to write a wall of text should make things obvious they don't need a congrats they need to be held accountable for lying to the community about their game, essentially scamming $60 bucks from us.
Stop giving them excuses to do another piss poor job. It's bullsh*t like this is the reason we get such mediocre piss-poor console ports. Developers are getting to comfertable pushing out crap then just patching it up over several months. So tired of paying full price for a damn beta.
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