I just got the SCARAB and I wanted to use it with the Laser Sight in the Multiplayer... I was terribly dissapointed, because the Laser Sight acts like it is a gamebreaker!
First Problem: It is barely visible in most maps. just slight red beam...
Second Problem: The hit marker also takes the view from the dot, that's irritating.
Third (and biggest) Problem: It won't stop wobbing around! In Singleplayer and several Multiplayer footages (official) the Weapon equipped with the Lasersight holds still, to give a more accurate aim. Why didn't you leave it like that? Now it is completely unusefull, because the dot is in a different location every nanosecond. and I mean VERY different location.
Fourth Problem: The "dot" is a square, in both single, and Multiplayer... It just looks ugly...
Fifth Problem: Simple Ironsight in SP, normal in MP... Please, please make an option to switch it on or off, in MP and SP, because I'd like to have normal Ironsight in SP, while having a Laser Sight on my weapon.
I hope you fix these things soon, probably with other issues and bugs, and the hacker problem. I hope.