I'm really impressed by your work in Crysis 2,seriously!!!You guys did almost the impossible by making a multi-platform Crysis game,amazing....your effort is recognized(at least by me) but only in the console theme ,because besides doing an awesome PS3 and XBOX 360 game u guys failed by doing a PC game.
PC games are expected to be impressive,to be beautiful,to be unique...
To look better than consoles.
While PC's are evolving year by year,improving they're abilities,consoles just don't,the evolution of consoles are like 4 years by 4 years. That is way PC's are better,the PC is to push boundries,when you guys make a game that does that ,it will make profit.
Basically,what i wanted to say is this,in the next Crytek game,if you want to make a multi-platform game please don't hold back on PC and just squeeze all the juice from consoles

Great optimization btw !!!!!Really awesome