» Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:36 am
well, im sure pc. finally i see the consoles as a pc, made just for comfortable gaming. even an AGP x8 geforce 7600gt 256mb can max out need for speed most wanted without problems. on ps2....- even a blind with crutch (german speach) would see the difference. ps2 was long away. i saw in undercover ps3 a competition to pc, but very often ps3 hangs while driving in race or police pursuit. you see few 10 metres before a blue area coming, and if u get in it hangs for few seconds. on pc with gtx285 wasnt that so. ok to be neutral, on pc version the shadow drove with you. on highway, you could see tha the shadows drives with you instead of it should be a shadow already there. to be objectively:
in best case, ps can hold with pc when it comes out new. the advantage for pc users is, if it is necessary, we can buy new hardware, ps users must wait years until new comes out. but i know a family, you could say they are fanatic. no arguments can convince them. unfortunately i cant show an experince with xbox but i think it would result the same. and about comfort: per adapter ps2-usb 2.0, lol now i can ly on my bed. after we bought ps3 i bought extra cabled controller (ps3 only usb) so directly connect to pc. ok you cant accelarate or hold speed like the original, but either i need full throttle or i need brake. blu-ray? one of samsung 65€ with pretty good ratings, combo-device, just a rom? plextor 50€ , burner? lg 70€. this examples are founded fast not longer then 10minutes i found examples, and i tell this now. think back ps3 came out 2006? 600€ and bluray was expensive (if they came out 2006) so i should think about the rest of the hardware in ps3? lol. i especially shooter player. and earlier need for speed fan. with my controller i have enough with pc. but so fighting games yeah, ps is better. but graphic pc will be ever better. some day, when industries get the level of graphic specs like real life- and that can just pc reach first, then can ps just hold same level.
finally remains the question about whic system for which game genre.
thats what i think about graphic. anyway i think pc gamers are often graphic hunters, ps gamers are more comfortable.
lol, think enough arguments found. and even its just a bit, i was a bit neutral between ps and pc:D anyway maybe it would be boring if all gamers would have pc or console:D