Weapons and Balance. Some minor TWEAKS.

Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:56 pm

When everything starts to work and people start to play the faults and problems become more and more reveling. There is always something that should be fixed. Here is things about the actual gameplay (weapons)

Dont nerf anything! Boost the weaker weapons! L-tag and K-volt maybee marshal. Fix the Gauss attachment and the Gauss rifle itself!

Whats the deal with explosions in this game?! Its so freaking bad. Take the grenadelauncher! Its a **** joke. There is no splash damage at all. You can carrying 2 grenades at the most!? There is no chance people would choose the grenade attachment only if you boosted the splash damages just slightly. And you have to reload the tube before bein able to switch to rifle mode.. thats a bug? If not that should not be the case! Same with gauss?
Is the grenade delay on the attachment random or just stupid?!

The frag grenades is far more deadly than the pos grenades L-tag uses!!!...
I thought this beast would be op. Op is bad but i didnt expect the weapon to svck, when a scar has no recoil and more damage in one bullet than one of thoose grenades xDDDDDD

And the under barrel shotgun! What a joke.. It cares 2 round in the chamber.. I can see why. So it wouldnt be better than the original shotgun.
But you should be able to freaking switch from it without being forced to acctual reload the POS attachment before being able to fire the weapon itself (scarab, grendel, scar)
Very handy in close combat if you cant switch from it.. morons..
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:40 pm

bump? omg noone has anything to add at all?!
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kitten maciver
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:32 pm

I agree with the L-Tag, a couple a of direct hits on someone in armor mode doesn't kill them? What a joke. I mostly thought the K-volt was fine, though. Graendal needs a small increase in bullet damage while all guns need an increase in recoil, too. Marshal needs it's fire rate increased while the Jackal needs it's fire rate decreased a tad.

Hm.. that's about it I guess. I haven't tried any of the weapon attachments or the gauss.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:30 am

In every other game people are ranting and whining like mad when the grenade launchers are usable ("Omg omg omg Tubenoob wtf omg!").
Here they are more or less useless (I don't have the L-TAG yet). And yet that's a problem again?

Thank God I am no game designer for weapons balancing. :D
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:56 pm

Yeah there is problems everywhere. But at least make them switchable so you dont have to watch the slow reload animation while you get killed..
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:26 pm

Jackal singleshot is really over powered. It takes one shot to kill someone point-blank whereas it takes like 3 with normal fire.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:01 am

You want to play CoD or Battlefield, not Crysis. They really should nerf all (!) weapons. If you want 3hits from every weapon at any distance so badly, go play some CoD. Really, you do not understand, that we don't have an uniform but a NANOSUIT. You understand? NANOSUIT. Go play the campaign and see what it can do.
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rolanda h
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:37 pm

You want to play CoD or Battlefield, not Crysis. They really should nerf all (!) weapons. If you want 3hits from every weapon at any distance so badly, go play some CoD. Really, you do not understand, that we don't have an uniform but a NANOSUIT. You understand? NANOSUIT. Go play the campaign and see what it can do.

Go get yourself a godmode cheat noobie..
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:15 pm

I agree with the attachment reload. One should be able not to reload if he so desires. That's just being lazy on the programmers side. Concerning the grenade launcher; I'd say it fits its role perfectly, to be honest. You can't expect murdering everyone with it as if you were playing Quake 3: Arena. What I mean instead - it's a support weapon. Clearing a crash site, raping clusters of enemy players under fire, screwing up their tactical movement and disrupting energy management (no matter what damage the splash does, it still makes cloaked players rage when hit). That's my opinion at least.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:53 pm

I agree with the attachment reload. One should be able not to reload if he so desires. That's just being lazy on the programmers side. Concerning the grenade launcher; I'd say it fits its role perfectly, to be honest. You can't expect murdering everyone with it as if you were playing Quake 3: Arena. What I mean instead - it's a support weapon. Clearing a crash site, raping clusters of enemy players under fire, screwing up their tactical movement and disrupting energy management (no matter what damage the splash does, it still makes cloaked players rage when hit). That's my opinion at least.

then fix the god damn reload thing crytek!
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:30 pm

About Grendel, it's default burst mode fire rate should be increased a bit. Or turn a single-shot into a default mode...And make it actually silenced with suppressor equipped.

Oh yeah! And SCAR's from-the-hip accuracy should be toned down just a bit.
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Khamaji Taylor
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