Help me to understand the histoy

Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:50 am

Spoiler Ahed. If you dont has finished the game dont read this post. Gonna have a lot of spoilers.

Hey guys, i'm new here and i'm from South America, so sorry for my bad english.

I'm gonna do a lot of Enters bcuz of spoilers.

Ok i'm gonna start.

At crysis 1, after alien mother ship's drop USA start a war with the North Koreans, because of the new Tech.Till here is easy to understand the history, but i have some questions to make.

From where these aliens came from?
Why are they attacking the Earth?
Why at the crysis 2 we dont see these Blues spaceships.
And why at the crysis 2 the Mother Ship dont freeze every thing?
Why do we have to jump at the spear to destroy every thing?
And what made Prophet reborn, what he say's was the Nano, but when he suicide he alreadr has given the Nano to you.
After the End. We say, 'They call me Prophet". So, we was playing with prophet the whole time?

And why we still in war with the Korea if at crysis 1 we have to fight against Nano enemys too. So, it means they have the Tech already.
And from who the koreans took the technology, if when someone dies with the nano we have to burn the corposes.

The blue Mother ship what i was talking about. Image
I hope you guys help me to understand the history.

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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:07 am

1 Aliens came from space (there is a scene on the aircraft carrier when they say that NASA is tracking a signal coming from with in the ship/mountain to some place in space )

2 Well there isn't really any clue in the game why so I am not 100% sure on this. They need cold environment to live and they are trying to terraform the earth and humans wont let them or they are not attacking Earth at all maybe it's all misunderstanding. When they wake up there was war between America and Korea right in there front yard.

3 Crysis 2 is also for xbox 360 and ps3 and because they don't know story or anything from Crysis 1 Crytek decided to make new story and new aliens.
Only thing left from Crysis is name of the island witch is mentioned few times ,Prophet and nanosuit

4 same as 3

5 Because it looks cool and because nanorobots inside the suit need to react with the virus in the spear so they can reprogram the virus

6 That i don't understand. There is a corpse in the suit named Alcatraz and AI named Prophet that is all figured.

7 I dont know do you know this but there is something called BLACK MARKET and SPIES witch is how Koreans got nanosuit but dont worry it's just a cheap knock off of the original nanosuit.
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:23 pm

according to what hargreave says we can guess that the aliens came to earth during the tunguska event, and established their base of operations underground. then they went into hibernation for about a hundred years.

then the koreans discovered one of the alien bases on lingshan. allied intel got wind of that and of course, you don't want to have your enemies aquire technology which might give them the upper hand, that's why the US and UK launched a black op to sabotage the korean endeavour.

the koreans were, however, already quite advanced in their research and thus they already had a working version of a nanosuit exoskeleton.

however, hargreave's suits were superior, because he was a **** genious. instead of simply aquiring and applying the stolen nanotechnology, he also incorporated symbiotic pseudoorganic systems into the suit, as well as loaded the interfacing system with a comprehensive ai.

that is why you have to go into the spire: because the pseudoorganic layer of the suit assimilates the alien virus cells (you can see that in the cut scenes, first you have the squid cells with the red core, then they get trapped by the layer, they get transformed, and go on to assimilate enemy cells.) since the spires are designed to release the spores en masse you have to go into the resevoir of the spears and let the nanosuit release assimilated cells so that they can go on to assimilate everything in the container. so when the release mechanism becomes active, instead of the deadly cocktail the neutralizing agent gets released which owns the aliens instead of the humans.

as to the 'they call me prophet part' we can only speculate:

since the symbiotic suit basically plugged into prophets brain the AI downloaded his memories and thinking algorithms, and alcatraz probably suffered some major head trauma which possibly caused major bleeding in the cortex, the suit had to go in and repair his noggin. by replacing parts of alcatrazes brain, it probably took parts from prophet's memories and injected them to restore complete thinking functions to alcatraz, and thus the two identities merged. Alcatraz was, based on the data in his head, probably completely replaced by prophet's identity and his suit. hargreave knew that, that's why he tells the cell soliders to stand down and assist 'callsign prophet' (that could be for a nother reason aswell though).
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:22 am

about the aliens, ice, blue, and unaerodynamic aircraft:

the alien technology initially required massive amounts of energy to operate, that is how the aircraft were able to stay afloat, when you really had to ask yourself 'how can that **** fly.'

the aliens could afford that technology because their energy source was entropic. not nuclear, solar or chemical, but entropic; meaning they were able to gather energy from their immediate surroundings and convert it into a usable format, whether kinetic, electric, or whatever it was. when you remove energy from a particle you effectively slow the particle vibrations, causing surrounding particles to accommodate this change by transfering their own energy until the average energy is equal - and this is why everything was frozen - because the aliens svcked so much energy directly out of their environment so quickly that the surrounding environment outside of the 'sphere' didn't have a chance to equalize the difference in energy.

towards the end of C1 the nanosuit gets upgraded with some sort of jammer that causes the aliens to overload (by forcing them to svck up more energy than they can handle), and that's why you don't see the old alien technology in c1 anymore - because it's defunct.
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:47 pm

Well, Prophet and Nomad were at the beach party together, having a couple of Budweisers in their suits of course, while Psycho was in the truck bangin' on some tunes. Alcatraz was then taken hostage and forced to live under NHS hospital conditions, when a volcano erupted in Iceland.

then, a plane flew by and nuked Alcatraz on the head, which made him lose the ability to speak, but he survived.

Psycho got to watch the NFL tournament that night, with Nomad, but Prophet's MP3 broke and he's going to radio shack to see if the warranty had expired.

Jacob Hargreave was taking a bath at this moment, when he saw something on his waterproof television - Turned out that harmful UV rays can cause skin cancer, so he got his special rubber ducky and phoned to tell the team that sunscreen from a care package was on it's way.

That's the story so far.
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Post » Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:03 am

This thread has to many long replies, no one will ever read mines even if i post.
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