Reboot and Leaderboards

Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:43 am

I myself rebooted the second I hit 50 (lol - fail) because of curiosity. I don't know even what the message said before I did so. Once I rebooted it felt like a whole new life to see if I can't increase my K/D or accuracy and stats overall. The only killer is not being on the leaders boards. The only thing to stay is my total XP.

Why not keep our totals on leaders boards and just have the rebooted stats for our own personal records? I play the game because it's a lot of fun but also use stats as a way to challenge myself into achieving some goal or as a way to measure my increase or decrease in play.

No lie I have been putting many hours in the game and towards that respect I wouldn't mind seeing my name up on a higher position on the most kills and wins. No doubt I will reboot again if possible at 50 but that's only because. It seems rebooting and the symbol you get may only be bragging rights, if that?
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:59 pm

The leader boards are for the hackers. Or whoever the guy was last night that had the flying gun killing people (gun only floating midair bionic speed as well) No cloak signature just a gun
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