For one thing why are we even talking about dlc when they have alot crap to fix first? They need to fix alot of before they even think about dlc. But when the time comes they need to add more weapons. Some of the weapons are plain worthless. With some of the guns, you can do more damge throwing it at them then shooting them. We also could see a few more maps but mainly they need more guns.
Because the entire Crytek company don't work on one patch! Within that company you have teams and within those teams you have more teams and so on, each working at their best! For example you've got a Team for Graphics and Visuals, Team for Sound, Team for Servers and Mutliplayer, Team for Patching, Team for Story/Plot, a Team of Developers, and you even have those who sit at the top of a building smoking a joint while staring out of a huge window thinking of new and awesome ways on how they can expand this fantastic, soon to be fixed game and using their imagination to think up a Crysis 3 a long with ideas for DLC's if they don't already have some set in stone!

So ye!
I think it's perfectly fine to talk about DLC's!
Yup they will, more than likely, have a team consisting of the teams your mentioning, working on DLC/a new IP/Crysis 3 atm. If not all three at once (three separate teams, consisting of the teams mentioned and then some).
So why not discuss DLC, as you say, might as well try and give the smokers at the top floor some good ideas they can work with