Firstly the pistols are underpowered. IT takes soooo many bullets to kill someone.
And the same with shotguns, mainly the Marshall. I'm sure people will agree with me. I used it, sometimes shoot an unarmoured guy at point blank, and i get a hit marker. And on and armoured enemy, it takes 4 hits to kill them. It's pump action for crying out loud!!!!!
I think it should be:
1 shot:Point blank, unarmoured target
1 shot, 1 melee/2 shots: armoured target
IT won't be overpowered, because it's a shotgun. It is supposed to dominate at close range and svck at long range.
I find a SCAR or any non-pistol is better than a shotgun in any way.
Increase their power, please.
If you don't do that, increase the aim assistance at least or do something.