So I bought the game

Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:55 am

And I already regret it.
Not because of all that stuff about it being "just a port" or anything. I don't care about that. Also not because I don't like the game. I actually think it's a good game.
But basically, I feel like I'm cheated out of my money.
Let's be honest here: I don't play pirated games. I used to when I was a student but I no longer do so now, mainly because I just dont want to waste time finding some crack on some porm-and-virus infested website only to be kicked out of the game after a while anyway because you're using a pirated CD-key.

Sounds fair right? Well no it's not for Crysis 2.
I know several people who play Crysis 2 online, multiplayer and they have a downloaded, illegal versions of the game. None of them paid a single penny. They just filled in a random bogus CD-key and could play online. And still do so today.

Now tell me: why would people spend money on this game when it that easy for pirates to play online? Doesn't this feel like a huge middle finger from Crytek towards us people who honestly bought the game? I mean... seriously now.
I'm seriously pissed off on Crytek for this.

I know nobody cares. But I just wanted to get this off my chest.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:17 pm

what can i say .. i agree .. for me crysis has specal meaning .. it was the first fps pc game i took serious and got my rig setup to play it .. my first sli rig was to play the first crysis ... to see crysis 2 rly rly hurts me .. if this was any other game i wouldnt rly care atall .. but crysis ?? i expected so much more :( is a real kick in the balls and they just dont care .. refuse to tell us anything .. will it have dx11 ?? better fx ?? a hack/crack free mp ?? no .. i rly dont think it will and that makes me sad :(
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:31 am

Most of the people agree with you, the fact that in 2011 a game is out where u can play online without any problems as a pirate thats fail on cryteks side.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:22 pm

Agree , I get this game from internet , it's run perfectly! I've done it! I am sad when I finish excelent games like this! But I can't play online! :( .
Off-topic: Please make Crysis 3!
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:34 am

Seems like a plot to me from crytek

come on: leaked beta and sandbox editor stangely released.....then no dx11 and direct port.

no anti-piracy measures, it's actually harder to log in than to crack it.

If crytek wanted to sink this game on the pc side and then blame players, they couldn't have done worse !!!

ps: have you seen the difference from the patch for pc and xbox. It's like we're left with the left overs ? This sums it all up.
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:28 pm

Seems like a plot to me from crytek

come on: leaked beta and sandbox editor stangely released.....then no dx11 and direct port.

no anti-piracy measures, it's actually harder to log in than to crack it.

If crytek wanted to sink this game on the pc side and then blame players, they couldn't have done worse !!!

ps: have you seen the difference from the patch for pc and xbox. It's like we're left with the left overs ? This sums it all up.
As much as it pains me to say it but this does sound very plausable, if PC sales are low i wouldn't be surprised if at some point crytek blame piracy regarding it (and as such going console only), of course they'll ignore the fact that the PC game is unfinished and that's why the sales my possibly suffer.
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:51 pm

Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I thought I'd get a lot of hate and flame but now I remember I'm not on the Steam forums here :D
I'm an honest person and I dislike pirates. I regret the times where I pirated games. Game companies deserve our support.
But THIS? Seriously... THIS? If I would have known it was this easy to play it online with a pirated copy, hell I wouldn't have bought it. I would have pirated it as well. Not because I'm a cheapskate but because if a company allows pirates to play online this easily, they dont deserve my money nor my trust.

I'm not gonna tell any of my friends to buy this, even though I think the game itself is not bad. Why would I tell my friends to buy this if they can just as easily play this online without paying a single penny?

Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this.
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:45 am

These days you need to inform yourself on the internet before buying a game.80% of the games are complete trash these days. :(

And Game developers wonder why so many people pirate games.Pretty simple answer,**** games.
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:55 am

Seems like a plot to me from crytek

come on: leaked beta and sandbox editor stangely released.....then no dx11 and direct port.

no anti-piracy measures, it's actually harder to log in than to crack it.

If crytek wanted to sink this game on the pc side and then blame players, they couldn't have done worse !!!

ps: have you seen the difference from the patch for pc and xbox. It's like we're left with the left overs ? This sums it all up.
As much as it pains me to say it but this does sound very plausable, if PC sales are low i wouldn't be surprised if at some point crytek blame piracy regarding it (and as such going console only), of course they'll ignore the fact that the PC game is unfinished and that's why the sales my possibly suffer.

Hah! And I thought I was the only conspiratorial one here. Its highly unlikely however the way everything is working out is highly suspect at the very least.

As a sidenote @ blaze123321
I understand what you are getting at, I sure did expect Crysis 2 to be equal or better than Crysis 1 and at least finish the story! However it did not, Crytek raised the bar then snuck under it to nut check the PC gaming community.

I don't reget the games i've pirated. Why? Because if I liked them I bought them. If I didn't I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time playing them even for free. Sure wish I did that with Crysis 2. Would have saved myself the pain of losing $60 bucks and would have tossed this piss-poor console port to the way side. I just expected so much from Crytek I choose not to. Yokes on me I guess.
Most people who pirate will pay for what they like, if they don't they won't waste time on it. You have a few that either A. can't afford it anyways so they never would have bought it and then you have B. the few scumbags who won't pay for it even though they like it and could.
Crysis 2 is a reason why people will pirate a game. They don't want to pay $60 bucks for a crappy console port so they want to try it before they buy it. I understand and feel for them, because I just paid $60 bucks for a $20 dollor game. If devs acctualy took time to make a decent PC game and released better demo's you would see it (pirating) go down. IMO game developers for the most part bring it upon themselves.

Edit: Some food for thought
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:43 am

I bought it today also. For 24 GBP. And i think its worth it. But i wouldnt pay much more
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:54 pm

Yup Looks like pc Is dead... got too put up with 30fps no aa. games on xbox.. more fun than pc atm.. SP bugs. MP what a joke.. No more hardware for me. I like to play with friends and have fun... Inpossible on pc.. My 480 sli p67 win 7 64. will get no more upgrades. Im done with PC.. Come on 30 fps blur. no aa..... Well playing lighthouse. Made me wont to get an xbox 360
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:52 am

@ Bluehornet
"Doesn't this feel like a huge middle finger from Crytek towards us people who honestly bought the game?"

Im pretty sure noones more sry that pirates can play online, than Crytek,..
They invested Millions and 3-4 years in this product,..
I do however agree wit u, its probally one of the worst releases, EVAR on the PC scene,
(some cant even compleate the campaign, the nanopoints not saving in SP, all the MP issues, etc. etc)
But i blame EA just as much as i blame crytek, see wat they (Crytek) did whit crysis1, that game was soo ahead of its time, too bad they couldent do it again,
But i think we got our hopes a bit too high up, after crysis1,..
Crysis2 is not a bad game, its just not nowhere near crysis1
just too bad its totally singular, and no destruction of environments
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