My Personal balance suggestions

Post » Sat May 07, 2011 2:36 pm

I've avoided compiling a post like this for a while now because I was working under the false assumption that Crytek was gong to take its time getting to work on adjusting game balance-- it seems I was mistaken!

Herein lies most suggestions I've found for making Cry2 as balanced, fun, strategic, and tactical as humanly possible.

Please post suggestions, comments and disagreements with the OP, and things that may have been missed.

The Nano-Suit:
Sprint/Jump Cancelling:
-Currently, players lose some control of their character when shot by an enemy. This is probably intended to ensure that players can’t just sprint around with impunity and must usually turn and fight when shot by an enemy player.
-The general consensus among players of the PC version is that this should be completely removed. Fleeing from a firefight is almost never an option due to this feature and it reduces strategic options. (
-To be honest, this feature is probably all right on consoles and intended to make up for the relatively high movement speed in Cry2 compared to other console games. I could be wrong though—this is up to the console players to say.
-One suggestion is for Armor-Mode to be immune to Sprint/Jump cancelling since players are already somewhat slowed down. This would give Armor-Mode a sense of increased resilience and could be used to quickly run from cover to cover.
-Assuming the above suggestion, perhaps certain weapons could still cause this effect even when players are in Armor-Mode. For example, the Grendel is rather reliant on slowing enemies and it would be an interesting balance decision.

Transitioning Between Modes:
-I've noticed online that a seemingly majority of players are unable to wait until they have completely switched out of stealth mode to begin firing-- resulting in a loss of suit energy. To a large extent, this is a skill-based issue.
However, perhaps there should be some UI element, such as a beep or a flash, that very clearly alerts the player to the exact moment when they have switched modes and can begin shooting.
- Similarly, a UI element that alerts players at exactly which point mid-sprint they can begin sliding would be useful as well.

-Does not remain silenced in single-shot mode.
-If “sprint/jump cancelling” is ever tweaked as I suggest above, should still remain a feature for the Grendel.

-Single-shot attachment, both silenced and un-silenced, is at all distances and situations, worse than just burst firing using full-auto. While Feline single-shot definitely shouldn't be too powerful, since it is a close-quarters weapon, it should at least provide a situational advantage to players who choose to use it.

In General:
Unlike other franchises, where explosives are the hallmark of a "n00b", Cry2 can give explosive weapons a more specific niche that is more rewarding in terms of game design.

The niche for explosives should be to force players out of stealth so that they can be vulnerable to weapons fire and forced to leave strategic locations-- or die.

In regards to the current balance, in general I would favor larger splash radii to enhance this design goal of explosives being the anti-stealth. In exchange, they should be somewhat less effective against individual armored targets than they are now.

-Increased splash radius. Projectile can now explode at close range, but does only enough damage to kill a stealthed target.
-This change would remove the disappointment of watching your rocket fail to explode without significantly affecting balance. The player who survived the shot would still be able to turn and kill you before you could switch to a different weapon and begin firing a majority of the time.

M84 Flashbang
-In continuing the theme of making explosives the anti-stealth, perhaps flashbangs could drain 33% of suit energy from players within its radius.

Frag Grenade:
-Increase splash radius to make it more effective at forcing enemies to switch out of stealth mode-- in exchange, decrease lethal range for players in armor mode.

List of all Perks and their upgrades to make following this along easier: (

A Discussion of Module/Game Design:
Part of the reason the “Loadout & Perks” system, popularized by COD 4, has become so popular is because it allows the player to customize their gameplay experience in order to provide them with the one that they consider the most fun

Perks can be broken up into 3 categories. Obviously there is some overlap between categories and these rules are not perfect.
1) While technically all perks are “upgrades”, some simply make an aspect of existing gameplay more powerful. EXAMPLES: Armor Enhance, Nano Recharge, Visor Enhancer, Stealth Enhance, Weapon Pro, Rapid Fire Pro, Mobility Enhance
2) Other perks are intended to compensate for a player’s weaknesses. For example, a player who is very bad at escaping grenades can use Detonation Delay. A player who is very bad at noticing enemies, should use visor enhance. A player who is bad at finding enemies should use Tracker or Cloak Tracker. Players who hate aiming down the sights can use Point Fire Enhance. Aim Enhance makes up for players who struggle with recoil.
3) The last category of perks is those that fundamentally change the gameplay. Examples: Energy Transfer offers a hit and run play style where you can re-stealth right after winning a fight. Side pack grants you extra explosives. Air Stomp provides a new way to get kills.

Modules That Need to Be Buffed:
-Some perks just won’t be useful no matter how much other perks are nerfed. Using the above criteria, I explain how I think best to fix these perks.

Threat Tracer:
-This falls under category 2: making up for a player’s weaknesses. This perk is intended to help players who lack situational awareness and often find themselves unsure where they are being shot at from. Sadly, it does not actually accomplish this goal in a meaningful way.

-Suggested Buff: “Threat Tracer causes your suit to better prepare for incoming attacks. When in Armor Mode, bullet attacks that are not highlighted by Threat Tracer will do slightly less damage.”

-This change allows players who struggle to deal with situational awareness to take slightly less damage when surprised by another player who is attacking them from outside of their field of view. Since it requires that you don’t see the attack coming, it will have a very small effect on balance—but for players who struggle to maintain view of 360 degrees, they will feel much better to get a few more seconds of survival. By limiting this change to bullets, you ensure that the K-volt and X43, which rely on taking players by surprise at close range, are not overnerfed. This change also makes Threat Tracer better suited as an Armor Module, since it makes the player somewhat sturdier. It would also allow sheepish players a perk that would better allow them to escape from an aggressor.


In General: Lots of complaints from the PC platform that matches are too short-- exacerbated by the increased number of players from 12 to 18. Some console players, too, seem to be clamoring for an increase in the length of games.

-Ability of nano-suited players to lift-off HMGs may present a balance concern. (

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 4:26 am

Cookie for you.

Not a fan of the tracer idea though.
It could just be seen/used as "extra health" outside of fights.

Also; buy me a cat.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 10:39 am

I disagree with pretty much all of it. Grenades especially don't need a higher splash radius, and flashbangs draining energy is just plain bad.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 3:33 am

Now ive seen u do allot of these posts, where u summon up the Key points the community have been askin for to get fixed/tweaked,..
Ill have to say the time and effort u put in, is greatly appericiated,
I dont agree wit it on all points, but Keep up the good work.. :)

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Kelly John
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:47 am

-Single-shot attachment, both silenced and un-silenced, is at all distances and situations, worse than just burst firing using full-auto. While Feline single-shot definitely shouldn't be too powerful, since it is a close-quarters weapon, it should at least provide a situational advantage to players who choose to use it.

Um...the reason the Feline excels in close-quarters IS due to its high-rate of fire, so single-shot is counterproductive anyways. So I don't see why single-shot needs a buff when full-auto is what makes the Feline such a good CQC weapon.
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m Gardner
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 5:40 am

Now ive seen u do allot of these posts, where u summon up the Key points the community have been askin for to get fixed/tweaked,..
Ill have to say the time and effort u put in, is greatly appericiated,
I dont agree wit it on all points, but Keep up the good work.. :)


Thanks =)

Gonna edit the title since this seems a lot more subjective until such a time that I'm able to actually compile stuff that more people want.
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CArlos BArrera
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